Sunday, February 6, 2011

A TruthMeister of Lies

This "TruthMeister" guy is anything but. Not only does he claim to tell the truth, but he censors me when I do. He now moderates comments, so I won't be commenting there anymore. He and all of Phil's buddies claim that I committed a crime simply by viewing Phil's website, which is utter bullshit. Not only is it not stalking, but it isn't burglary either, and that claim is even more ridiculous. A website is not property, it is merely a piece of cyberspace. If you are gonna leave a point of access to your website, you shouldn't whine and cry when someone takes advantage of that. When I used the Newport Beach IP address, all I did was type in the URL. I didn't even use a proxy then (although I do now), and that isn't even remotely burglary. However, even all the dumbfucks over at Phil's World seem to be somewhat suspicious of this "TruthMeister" guy, so he is bad news. How many dumbfucks can there be? First STFU, then the Asspie Hater, and now the TruthMeister? I'm still convinced that STFU and the TruthMeister are one and the same, but even if they aren't they are both bad people.


Anonymous said...

Hey, dumbass! You do know that if you are banned from a public place that you can't go back there even if it's public? Say for instance if you were banned from the beach, which can happen. You can't go back there even though it's public and has a point of access!

MY SPY said...

He's lying again, Anthony! If you are a known voyeur you can be banned from a beach! You can be banned from a public sporting venue as well when there's a game on!

What the hell is DMV?

MY SPY said...

So it's legal for pedophiles and voyeurs to walk the beach looking for prey? You just proved yourself to be an idiot again. A sporting venue is a public place, even when you have to pay for admission. It's only private when the gates are closed.

You can be banned from a motor vehicle government building if you have been banned from driving because of multiple driving violations.

MY SPY said...

Oliver said; "Sports venues are not public. They are only open during games and only paying spectators may enter."

But if you've been banned from the venue, even if you pay you'll be kicked out!

Do explain to parents how a pedo or voyeur can be on a beach with their child armed with a pair of binoculars. They'll rip your head off!

MY SPY said...

Since when did the ticket provider own the venue? They don't know you're banned! Parents would not allow pedos within ten miles of their kids let alone 1000 feet! That's why they can be banned from beaches!

MY SPY said...

No they can't! Why don't you just admit that you don't know, hey?

MY SPY said...

The courts can still ban them! And they do!

MY SPY said...

Yes they can!

MY SPY said...

Yes they can, and they have.

MY SPY said...

They have. Fact. You can't deny it. To deny it is to prove you don't know jackshit.

MY SPY said...

Oh very clever! Pedophiles don't get that sort of publicity and well you know it!

MY SPY said...

Timelord just helped me out on my blog. Go take a look at what he said about being banned from the beach in Australia.

MY SPY said...

Does over the Internet. See what I've said about the Hague Convention.

MY SPY said...

So why did Gary McKinnon get extradited? Huh?

MY SPY said...

He will be. Same thing. If you were right, the fight wouldn't even be happening.

MY SPY said...

He won't. He's done.

MY SPY said...

He'll be forced to when he's extradited to face American charges in an American court.

MY SPY said...

They'll get him to America because he broke American law.

MY SPY said...

Yes he can, because he'll be made to.

MY SPY said...

Exiled?? You stupid fool! He'd be extradited, not exiled!!

MY SPY said...

He will be welcomed home once he serves his time if he's found guilty, so it's not an exile.

MY SPY said...

He won't have a choice when the courts extradite him to the USA.

Anonymous said...

Like you'd know with an IQ of 78!

MY SPY said...

It's the American court that is extraditing him, doofus!!

MY SPY said...

Yes they do if their law has been broken and the perpetrator is in another country.

MY SPY said...

Yes he can! He broke US law so he can be tried by a US court.

MY SPY said...

If he broke the law of another country he can be extradited. Home country is irrelevant.

MY SPY said...

He can if he broke another country's law.

MY SPY said...

The extradition of Polanski failed because it was attempted from Switzerland and as Polanski wasn't Swiss they didn't have jurisdiction. France doesn't have an extradition treaty with the USA. The United Kingdom does.

MY SPY said...