Monday, February 14, 2011

Letter From Phil Gluyas

Well, I received a letter in the mail today (not by service of process like I did last time) that was addressed to me from Phil Gluyas in Australia. I read it, and promptly tossed it in the recycling bin. I was clearly written in his hand, and had his signature scribbled on the bottom along with some stamp that may very well have been fake. It basically was a form of him rambling online, except on paper. He complained about how I (legally) view his website, and tried to state that the US Constitution didn't apply to me. Unfortunately, he was wrong on both counts. He even tried to say that I should stay off of his websites that aren't IP blocked, and that I shouldn't even mention his name at all. Unfortunately for him, that violates my right to free speech, so he loses there as well. He also made his usual bizarre statements, such as that I am an "abuser of autistic civil rights" and that I "threaten him and his family," neither of which are true. Seeing the rantings of a lunatic about oneself is not stalking, and is not jeopardizing to anyone's mental health. He even cited some random statute, but it doesn't take a genius to know that his argument would never stand in court. He also threatened to press charges, but I am in another country and cannot be extradited. I will continue to view Phil's website (via a proxy) and there ain't a thing he can do about it. Phil just needs to learn that if you say shit on the Internet, it's gonna come back to bite you. He also needs to know not to whine and cry when things don't go his way. The world doesn't revolve around him, and his hypocrisy can only last so long.


A better future for all said...


Here is the problem with your logic. In America, you do have freedom of speech. Here is another thing we do have. We have property rights.

The thing is Phil is the owner of content on his website. He only wants certain people to view his website. He does not want others to view his website. Look at it this this way. Imagine if I had real land with a real house and I had a no trespassing sign on my land. This means the only time someone should be able to come onto my land is with my permission.

Phil's website is similar to this. He has metaphorically put up a no trespassing sign on his website. By you using your proxy server you are trespassing and violating his property rights.

A better future for all said...


I am not an attorney or a lawyer to be honest. His website does reside on a server somewhere. In fact, servers are where all websites reside.

If we really want to get down to it the owners of the servers own the space that information is put on. Phil does have ownership of his words.

It seems like we have two types of property rights, intellectual and physical. Phil has intellectual rights to his words. The words he writes are his property but the space he writes them on are the owners of the servers.

For example, blogger owns the space you write on but you own the things you do write.

Who truly is correct here? We need constitutional and legal scholars. How do we truly determine what the truth is to this?

MY SPY said...

Yes you can, under the Hague Convention. It accepts the laws of foreign countries that are signed to it.

A website is property if you paid for it.

jonathan said...

Interestingly, when Phil Gluyas posted an obnoxious comment and I deleted it, he would keep reposting it, so I was forced to enable comment moderation as that was the only way I could keep him off my blog. Apparently Phil Gluyas does not show the same respect of other people's internet sites that he requests from others.

All this hypocrite has to do is require a password to access his site and just give it out to his friends if he is so concerned about people viewing his material. If he does not do this, then his site is free game for anyone who cares to view it, at a library or by proxy whom he has blocked.

Oliver must be making an impact if Phil would go to the effort to send him a snail mail. I am hurt that he has not sent me one.

MY SPY said...

Hey Jonathan, you don't own your blog because you didn't pay for it. Just like Oliver didn't pay for his blog and I didn't pay for mine. It's all owned by Blogspot! Timelord DID pay for his! And for the hosting as well I assume.

Look up the Hague Convention, dummy. It's worldwide!

MY SPY said...

Hague CONVENTION!! Learn to fucking read, idiot!!

Do your research.

MY SPY said...

You didn't look at the link did you, coward? The USA is signed to the Hague Convention!

MY SPY said...

I'm not talking about any war! I'm talking about a convention that the USA signed to that recognises other country's laws! Without it there would be no such thing as extraditions!

MY SPY said...

Idiot! The Hague Convention was first created in the 19th fucking century!!!

MY SPY said...

Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907. Look it up on Wikipedia and get the point that you're fucking WRONG!

MY SPY said...

LOOK IT UP!!!!!!!

MY SPY said...
Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907

Read it and weep!

MY SPY said...

So you admit to refusing to learn anything. That's a great demonstration of low intellect.

MY SPY said...

Your IQ is not 146 because if it was you would be seeking to learn and you are refusing to.

Anonymous said...

Sir, even the smartest people make errors in life. You are making an error here.

MY SPY said...

Everyone who sees this will be laughing at you for making that impossible claim because you refuse to learn. Self tests are never accurate.

Anonymous said...

It's 78. Not 146.

MY SPY said...

I don't think it's 78, Anon, but it's not 146. Self tests are not accurate. Oliver wishes they were and won't accept that wishes are fantasy.

MY SPY said...

Self tests are known to be inaccurate. If you treid to use that result anywhere that required it, you'd be laughed all the way down the steps they throw you down.

MY SPY said...

Your IQ is not 146. Stop lying. Self tests are not accurate.

MY SPY said...

Under a self test my IQ is 195.

MY SPY said...

If your IQ is 146 mine is 195. I took a self test and that's what I got. Be consistent. Either accept mine or reject yours.

MY SPY said...

Yes I did. And I did it to prove that such tests are not accurate. No one is just five points short of Einstein. Your IQ is not 146.

MY SPY said...

Yes I did. And you can't prove I didn't by just saying so.

MY SPY said...

Anonymous said...

Oliver Canby is gay. This is proven by his insistence that he is "strait", not "straight". This will hold up in a court of law.

Village Idiots Convention said...

The source you claimed does not carry the definition of idiot that you quoted. It is up to you to prove that it does. Asking us to prove a negative proves you are an idiot and you should join us instead of inventing excuses.

Anonymous said...

You are most certainly a danger to yourself, as on this blog you have made a number of threats to commit suicide as well as utterly misrepresent Autism within yourself to a strikingly dangerous level.

Anonymous said...

Another attempt to stop me from controlling you, and that won't work either. I control you, and the only way you can take control back is to delete this blog. Until then, I control you.

Anonymous said...

The Rothschild family has control over nothing but their own money and not that of any country. Mercury in any amount is lethal over a period of time. Ten years maximum. You are not mercury poisoning and if you chelate now you will kill yourself by shutting off your kidneys due to the removal of essential body content.

Anonymous said...

No one group controls the entire global economy. The thimerosal in vaccines did no harm and they were only removed as a precaution due to paranoia. True mercury poisoning that is not treated is lethal and causes death. You can not cure Autism. There is no cure. Usage of chelation when you don't have excess heavy metals harms your kidneys.

Anonymous said...

You do misrepresent Autism and badly and you are a danger to yourself as your multiple notices to committing suicide proves.

Village Idiots Convention said...

I am more familiar with the source than you are and there is no such definition. Which edition are you referring to? It doesn't matter because it's not in any of them and only the current one is relevant anyway. You need to join us because you are one of us.

Anonymous said...

You are gay. You spell straight in the way all gays do.

Anonymous said...

I control you. You keep doing what I tell you to do. Therefore I control you.