Sunday, October 24, 2010

Belinda The Nobody Attacks Me Again

Well, I thought that whatever beef I had with Belinda the Nobody was completely over. I've moved on, but she apparently hasn't. I understand she's had a rough summer (her father died, and nobody wants to deal with that), and I'd offer my condolences, but that is still no excuse for what she did to me yesterday. I completely know why she did it (her good buddy Phil Gluyas told her to), but it is still inexcusable. I happened to say something she disagreed with (something I still stand by), and instead of just saying she disagreed, she cussed me out. She brought up the fact that she had been sexually molested with a youngster, and while that is awfully painful, it is not relevant that Nick Dubin was just arrested for child porn and thus has exposed neurodiversity as a bunch of pedophiles. Often, victims of childhood molestation will continue to be molested subconsciously, and this may be why she fell victim to neurodiversity. But, more importantly, she doesn't realize that she actually (unintentionally) helped me out a great deal by her most recent post. She made a complete fool of herself by cussing me out instead of calmly disagreeing, and it actually makes me look better. The fact that all the NDs are either silent or overly defensive on this issue indicates that they are clearly hiding something, and their movement will come crashing down in a heartbeat. I can't wait for the day when neurodiversity is a thing of the past, and when autism is cured and there will finally be peace on earth. It is a long battle, but we will not give up, and in the end, autism will be cured.


QuoteDaAutieNevermore said...

"and it actually makes me look better."

It does not make you look better. An endorsement from Albert Einstein couldn't make you look better.

Phil/Timelord said...

And your act of (in effect) calling all the members of ASAN, the AWN and so on paedophiles is a heinous lie based in your usual form of assumption based in desperation. Belinda posted her entry of her own accord as a result of me simply bringing the previous blasphemous entry to the attention of the Phil's World membership.

The day neurodiversity is a thing of the past is the day the human race dies ou completely - and not before. You are neurodiverse, Canby. We all are. There's no such thing as neurotypical. You can't change that fact and to try is an exercise in futility.

Everyone I know of who has seen the previous entry is laughing at it or is angry and is not going to say anything such is the sheer idiocy of it. It's not just wrong. It's out of cloud cuckoo land! Even the Informer saw it and banned you from his blog I noticed! See? Even your friends are turning on you!

QuoteDaAutieNevermore said...

You're an ignorant tool who couldn't beat a mime in verbal debate.

QuoteDaAutieNevermore said...

"Humans will never become extinct, because we are indestructable."

I highly suggest you read the play "The Tempest" and watch the movie "Forbidden Planet."

"I'm not very impacted as it is, so living life the way I am now wouldn't be all that hard."

Is compacted a better word?

"and I can beat anyone in a debate who believes in neurodiversity, because they're just plain wrong."

You have yet to do that, so put up or shut up.

QuoteDaAutieNevermore said...

"I have actually beaten numerous NDs in a debate, simply by them not responding."

If you were involved with them in a formal debate, then yes you would be the victor. But being that you are just a pathetic little ass-clown whom are not in a formal debate with you, are not loser by default, they happen to
be wiser than I, for having the willpower to not respond to you.

"Most NDs were either silent or overly defensive on the Nick Dubin issue, so I defeated all of them singlehandedly."

Again, name one person who is overly defensive on the Nick Dubin thing, for I don't know of any whom are, and see it highly likely that you are talking out your ass as usual. And just food for thought, regarding the silence of some people who aren't addressing the Nick Dubin issue. Most people who aren't raving dickweeds, only talk when they have something intelligent to say, and being that there is no new information than what has already been established, and brought to everyone's knowledge, that is the likely reason why nobody is bringing it up.

QuoteDaAutieNevermore said...

"Even The Informer has banned me from his blog, which is completely out of character for him."

Yeah, the whole wide world is wrong, it's definitely not you... shmuck.

QuoteDaAutieNevermore said...

"Yes, Andrew. I am always right and never wrong. If I say that all NDs are pedophiles, then it must be true."

Listen you little bastard, I may be an Atheist but I still have enough courtesy to respect the fact that only one can act like God, and that one is Morgan Freeman.

QuoteDaAutieNevermore said...

"I'm just saying that I'm unilaterally right."

You are absolutely correct in that statement... unilaterally right as in political speak, but unilaterally right as in being correct... meh.

QuoteDaAutieNevermore said...

That is a tough one... but I know something that could be better than that, being someone where the second of those two statements is actually true.

QuoteDaAutieNevermore said...

Unbelievable in the sense that it's a load of shit, hell yes.

QuoteDaAutieNevermore said...

Considering the fact that God hasn't helped you for shit, it looks like you ain't so truthful doesn't it?

QuoteDaAutieNevermore said...

"Maybe He has something in store for you too."

In terms of religion I don't deny the existence of God, I preach the "Gospel Of I Don't Know, I Don't Care." So if there is a God he does have something in store for me, he granted me the ability to choose to have a life, something he definitely has not blessed you with.

QuoteDaAutieNevermore said...

"It's better to explain how the other person could get better, but of course you'd never do that."

Yeah, I never do that, if you ignore every single motherfucking time I have, you whiny little prick.