Friday, April 2, 2010

Today Is World Autism Awareness Day

Well, thanks to The Miracle Project and Elaine Hall, today is World Autism Awareness Day. We must be aware of autism and the devastation it causes many people, including myself. The sad thing is, however, that neurodiversity rejects that we need to be aware and calls it "neurobigotry." So then neurodiversity, are we bigots for honoring AIDS and diabetes the same way we honor autism? According to you, we shouldn't cure AIDS because we need to respect them for who they are. Same with diabetes, right? Somehow, that doesn't sit well with me, and the same should be true with autism. These neurodiversity people must be stopped, and we must stop them now. On a side note, I had to go visit my psychiatrist today, because I am autistic. Had I not been autistic, I wouldn't be seeing a psychiatrist in order to be heavily drugged. A lot of interesting people have been reading my blog. One is a law firm in Houston who Googled "Autism Insurance Fraud." John Best also was recently reading my blog, so maybe he will realize that I do support him. Someone from the LA County Office of Education in Santa Monica came across my blog because they Googled my name, but that is strange because I do not know anyone who works there. Somebody in Chino Googled my name followed by the word "blog," and the only person I know in Chino is my former 1:1 whom to my knowledge doesn't know I have a blog. People everywhere from Canada to Maine to the Philippines are reading my blog, so I am really making a splash.


Unknown said...


"We must be aware of autism and the devastation it causes many people, including myself."

What about Jake Crosby, Stephanie Lynn Keil, Jonathan Mitchell, Katie Kagan (myself)?

"According to you, we shouldn't cure AIDS because we need to respect them for who they are. Same with diabetes, right?"

AIDS and Diabetes (Type 1) are AUTO-IMMUNE diseases. Autism is a spectrum BRAIN disorder or disability. People with various autism diagnoses such as Autistic Disorder, PDD-NOS, and Asperger's can and DO have auto-immune GI diseases such as Bowel Disease, Celiac Disease, other GI diseases, Allergies, Asthma, various digestion and yest problems, and other related diseases or problems. NONE of these are autism. The aforementioned may EXCABERATE autistic symptoms; that is why they called CO-MORBID.

For example, as many people know, I have an autistic DISABILITY, NOT "difference in brain wiring." I also have co-mormid mental illnesses such as anxiety disorders and a form of asthma (not specifically diagnosed), and cognitive problems (not specifically diagnosed but extreme difficulty with abstract material and concepts).

I don't like to compare neurological and biological conditions with FATAL diseases. Autism is a spectrum disorder, NOT a disease. Autism is NOT a fatal condtion and does not make people sick (litearlly). Gastrointestinal issues, co-morbid with autism disorders, CAN make people EXTREMELY sick.
I have no doubt many autistic children and adults have diseases (co-morbid) associated with their Autism Spectrum diagnosis.


Katie K.

Matt Hogan said...

Parkinson's is not a brain disease or condition. It is a muscle based thing. It's effects on the brain come from that and only in the later stages.

Unknown said...


"While you cannot die of autism itself, sometimes impaired judgment, which is caused by autism, can lead someone into a fatal situation."

I agree that lack of judgment is caused by autism ITSELF, not by "societal attitudes." On the other hand, good judgment skills CAN be TAUGHT (although use of contextual judgment will still be difficult).


Katie K.

Unknown said...


How do you know "lower-functioning" autistic people can't learn good judgment skills? Do you have any anecdotal or scientific evidence that describes ALL "lower-functioning" autistics?

Many people in the autism community believe that not being able to speak is NOT the same as not being able to think and having something to say. "Low-functioning" autistic people who are non-verbal have been found to be very intelligent. Autism is NOT Intellectual Disability.



Katie K.

Matt Hogan said...

Oliver, mental retardation in autism is low functioning autism. Mental retardation by itself can not co-incide in any way with autism. It's not possible. It's either LFA or it's not.

Anonymous said...

Oliver, it can't. Mental retardation is a condition that is indicated by an intelligence level that is very low. Autism outside the low functioning area can not be diagnosed this way, so it is not possible for the two to co-incide.

Anonymous said...

I beg your pardon? I was saying that mental retardation is not Autism and can not co-exist with it. You should stand up and admit that you were wrong. Who am I a sock puppet of?

Matt Hogan said...

It CAN'T!! Oliver, listen to Joe. Mental retardation means low intelligence. The ONLY low intelligence form of Autism is LFA. If one is mentally retarded and not low functioning, Autism with it is IMPOSSIBLE!!

Are you getting it yet?

Unknown said...

Little Joe,

Oliver is correct. A person can have a DUAL diagnosis of Autistic Disorder and Intellectual Disability or PDD-NOS and Intellectual Disability.


Katie K.

Joeker said...

Little Joe is pressing a point to ensure that LFAs cannot be mentally retarded, and putting that state on their diagnosis of LFA. For some reason that angered a certain other party, it was incredibly frustrating that LFAs could be intelligent. Apparently, according to this third party, LFAs are inherently unintelligent. Therefore, ignore what LFAs who want to be cured have to say, they're just simpletons.
Listen to us Aspies, we know what's what. We can live normal lives if we work hard and don't shirk our responsibilities. So listen to us on whether or not to cure Autism. Because you know, being eccentric like us totally equates to being autistic. Seriously.

*Beware, sarcasm lurks within, and Aspies with persecution complexes reside without.