Sunday, April 18, 2010

Coconuts Is Right Next Door to Barnes and Noble

When I took the 91 freeway northbound from my apartment in New Haven to the Barnes & Noble in North Haven to see William Shakespeare and Stephen King, I noticed that Coconuts was right nest door. Coconuts is a store where they sell CDs such as Queen's legendary 1978 album, "Jazz," with hits such as "Fat Bottomed Girls," and "Bicycle Race." Strawberry's is nearby, but I like Coconuts better. There's also a Burger King and a cinema nearby, where I saw "Toy Story," and "The Hunchback of Notre Dame," which is a college in Indiana. What does that have anything to do with autism? Absolutely nothing, I just thought it'd be an interesting post. Kinda random, but interesting. I might do another autistic post somewhere down the road, but I may not as I have better shit to do than this blog. Tomorrow is Patriot's Day, which we don't celebrate here in California but they celebrate it over in Massachusetts where Belinda the Nobody lives. There's gonna be a Red Sox game at 8 a.m. my time so I have to be up early to watch it and sumbit my lineups. Speaking of Belinda the Nobody, I had no idea she was so low-functioning that she can't go to college, work, or even go to concerts. If she wants to go to a sensory-friendly concert, I'd recommend Angelique Kidjo, as her song "Bleu" was an international hit. I can't go to college (despite what Phil says), and we'll see about working, but I can most certainly go to concerts. It's a damn shame that somebody is so autistic that they can't enjoy life, and that is why a cure is necessary.


Belinda the Nobody said...

I don't know if Angelique Kidjo would be to my musical likings; looking at her page on wiki, I'd hazard a guess as to "no". She seems like a pretty amazing person, though.

The rest of what I have to say about what you wrote will be on Phil's blog... whenever my comment gets through being modded. [time differences make waiting a bitch.].

Belinda the Nobody said...

Eh, it's due to him living in a different time zone and having a life to live, I'm sure.

Nah, I don't think I wrote anything (this time around) that can particularly be labeled as "attacking". And since I don't view us as at war, I'm not trying to "defeat" you.

And, no problem.

Belinda the Nobody said...

*Shrug* My dad likes to watch wrestling (on TV). And it's more than what I do, most days. Unless you count my online activities as "doing".

And, nah, definitely not at war level.
I've spent plenty of years fighting "war" with certain people, and this is so not it. So I hope you aren't viewing it that way.

And I honestly had no clue it was Patriot's Day... or what Patriot's Day is even about/for. I fail like that, lol.

Belinda the Nobody said...

Oh, that would be why I have no clue about Patriot's Day. I'm not a sports person. [and that may be an understatement.].

Belinda the Nobody said...

*Shrug* History wasn't really my best subject, either. [least not with the teachers I had..].

Belinda the Nobody said...

*Shrug* I might have done better if the classes weren't so dull. ... and if I hadn't given up my last two years or so, and spent them sleeping in class.

Belinda the Nobody said...

Wow. I used to sleep in class too but I still managed to do good.
I had other issues. And like I said, I gave up.

You can still probably get a GED if you're interested.
Sure, I suppose I could. I intended to, at one point in time. Never got around to happening, though. And now I don't see the point. Can't as of yet work; have no need for the stupid paper otherwise.

Belinda the Nobody said...

*shrug* maybe eventually.

Belinda the Nobody said...

I don't know why you should care. I'm just a stranger. ... then again, that statement is hypocritical. ... or maybe not. After all, I don't know why I should care for a stranger, but I still do. :/

But anyhow, who said I'm not succeeding? Life is more than school and work.

Belinda the Nobody said...

but I want you to do what makes you happy.
Oh, don't lead me in temptation. Happiness is nice, but I don't believe that's the same thing as succeeding in life. Some of the things that would make me happiest are bad things to do. So I'll not do them.

Belinda the Nobody said...

I'm not trying to tell you what to do so please don't interpret it that way.
I'm not. What I said was half a joke, half seriously-trying-to-make-a-point. *shrug*

Belinda the Nobody said...

I don't see why you'd automatically jump to the conclusion that I was speaking of murder. There are other things I could [and am/was] be talking of.

As for killing people... *shrug* Maybe, maybe not. I choose to acknowledge my darker side, instead of pretending it doesn't exist. I figure I'm less likely to act on it that way.

Belinda the Nobody said...

Well, I guess there's rape and child molestation too, but I didn't think you'd engage in those.
Not particularly. But there's also... theft... adultery... lies... suicide... betrayal... torture... and other things, some which others would consider bad, and some which are a me thing. I've partaken in theft in the past [elementary school time period], but I don't do it anymore. And I've lied to people, but there are lines to not be crossed in lying... and for the most part, I try not to lie anymore. [with exceptions, such as life endangerment, or social lies... you know, like the whole "does this dress make me look fat" thing.].

That's an interesting philosophy: publicly acknowledging something so that it doesn't happen. Maybe I should try it.
It seems to work, at least for me.
But if you do try it, be careful. For one, some will try to use it against you... make you out to be a monster, or whatever. For two, it can be a dangerous line to walk.

The darker side can create... interesting art. I release a lot of stuff through poetry when I can. [I know I linked some of it when I was talking to you on Phil's blog; like the Masks one.].

Belinda the Nobody said...

Wow. I had no idea you were arrested for robbery when you were 10.
Huh? I never said I've been arrested. Because I haven't.

I can't draw for shit
Lol, neither can I. It's annoying.

Belinda the Nobody said...

Oh, I guess the cops didn't file charges when you stole.
The cops never knew. .... I'm not sure anyone ever really knew, to be honest.

I've prank called people in Albany, New York but they didn't file charges either.
Oh, my bro and one of our cousins got in trouble with that before.

My inability to draw doesn't bother me that much as art isn't really my thing,
*shrug* It annoys me, as I feel I could express myself better with pictures than with words... but since I can't draw worth a damn, I can't.

but I also can't handwrite for shit and that can cause trouble sometimes.
Lol, neither can I! And I always write in hand-writing, too, because I can't do cursive.

Belinda the Nobody said...

It's amazing you got away with stealing.
Well... it was just petty things... from other kid's desks. Not really worth anything, and I have no idea why I wanted them at the time. But now I feel kind of bad. I was aware it was "bad" on the intellectual level [as in, if I got caught, I would get in trouble], but not the emotional one [as in, these kids are going to feel upset when they realize their things are gone]... but now I do, so thinking of it... yeah... I feel bad now.

Too bad your brother got arrested for prank calling. How much time did he serve?
Neither him or my cousin got arrested; but my mom and aunt had to pay money [don't know/remember how much]. And they got grounded for a pretty long time.

My handwriting sucks so bad that my cursive is actually better than my printing, but I hate cursive and I stick with chicken scratch.
I don't know if my cursive is much better. Since I don't really use it, at all. Really, about all I can do is write my first name. I hate cursive. It was a nightmare in school when the others were learning it, and when teachers would use it... I struggle to read it... and sometimes it's a struggle I don't win.

Belinda the Nobody said...

It wasn't really until I was in middle school that I experienced a regression in handwriting and my writing became as illegible as it is now.

*shrug* Mine has always sucked. It might have improved a little since I was a kid, but as I haven't any examples to compare my current to, I dunno. They were always trying to improve it back then [grips, special pencils, whatever], but... it still sucks. Go figure.
I can make it a little better, with effort, but it is literally painful to do so.

Belinda the Nobody said...

Lol, fair enough.
There are times where I can't decipher my own writing, though.

Belinda the Nobody said...

*shrug* I was trying to decipher something I wrote whilst having a fit, a while back. But even with the context... it's a no go.
I'm not that bothered, now, though. I figure it's better to not care. It was probably bad trash anyways.

Belinda the Nobody said...

I find the past to be an elusive ghost.
Haunting. Hard to see.
[in other words I'm a poet, and my memory is horrible.].

Belinda the Nobody said...

*shrug* My memory is weird, as semi-described in the first paragraph here.

...are you so sure you're mercury poisoned, then? People with mercury poisoning tend to have memory issues, last I knew. [and, no, don't try to turn that on its head. I was born this way.].

QuoteDaAutieNevermore said...

"Wow. My memory is superb but I can control what I remember and what I don't. No matter what I do later in life, I will always remember this blog and the joy it brought me."

Escapism is and always will be a pleasant venture, Oliver.

Belinda the Nobody said...

Isn't merely my "mindset"/"beliefs".
I have my mother's word that I've always been this way, and she has no reason to lie or imagine otherwise.
I also have the odd memory. And other things.

but I figure that if I'm autistic then I must be mercury-poisoned.
I really can't understand why you would believe that. Mercury poisoning and ASDs don't even have similar signs, or whatnot.

Belinda the Nobody said...

You really can't believe everything you read. People make progress by themselves.

It makes me a bit angry, some times. To have parents or someone else claim it was some miracle diet or chelation or whatever else... when it seems to me the autistic person in question just made a little [or a lot] of progress. We are human beings. We grow. Even when to an outsider, it seems we don't. We don't stagnant. We learn. We gain skills. We lose skills. We're human.

And to think of the pressure these autistics must have... if they "regress", then what? You're not allowed to have "autistic regression" if you're "recovered", if you're "cured"...

Belinda the Nobody said...

*shrug* I forget who "KGAccount" is. I lose track of who's who. Lol.

You really don't have to get cured to get laid. Remember, the internet is a tool... there are sites to help people do many things, up to, and including, getting laid. *shrug*

Belinda the Nobody said...

Oh, I don't think I know her then.
I don't really go on youtube much anymore. More reason than one.

Time never runs out for such a thing, unless you die. ... some might say not even then... but... heh, necrophilia is a squeamish topic for me.
I know you're kind of obsessed about it... but try to chill. Such an obsession may draw some people in... but it will drive a lot of them off.
Hell, I'd look up such sites for you... but I'm too wary to do so; as the computer isn't mine-mine [as in, it's in the house I live in/belongs to my family... but it's not -mine-. Other people use it.], and it's in an area of the house that has too much traffic [the kitchen] for me to feel comfortable doing so.

Belinda the Nobody said...

Yeah... I think I know -of- her... just... I don't know her. You see?

I don't think the HAA (or whatever it is) should go to you, anyhow. You can actually have a civil convo if you're treated decently. I know there's plenty out there that won't even do that much.

It's not easy to hide things... especially when, you know, you're autistic. Lol. Well. I'll amend that to "not easy to hide some things". People with decent enough social skills seem to be able to sniff such things out.
Or they'll just assume anyhow; since in general, we seem to give off the wrong "vibes" to people. :/

Belinda the Nobody said...

They may not see you as autistic... but it doesn't mean they see you as "normal"/"safe"/"good"/whatever. Like I've said before, people have mistaken me for a druggie... among other things. Soooo.
I don't typically try to give off vibes, but people still sense them... or make them up. Or misinterpret them. *sigh*

Belinda the Nobody said...

*shrug* People have made me suffer enough to realize that whatever assumptions they have of me, probably aren't good.

Belinda the Nobody said...

How is that good? :/

And I noticed. I don't think he's anymore "mental" than me though. [then again.... some people say I'm mental. YMMV, indeed.].

Belinda the Nobody said...

Oh, I don't know. Now I'm confused.

Try not to get too cocky.

Belinda the Nobody said...

*shrug* I haven't the foggiest about court systems, other than what I've watched on TV.
But I don't think being from/in another country makes you immune.