Monday, April 12, 2010

Does Asperger's Cause Fake Orgasms?

On a recent episode of NBC's "Parenthood," a mother of a child with Asperger's fakes orgasm while having sex with her husband to make him feel better, because she cannot have a real one due to the stress of having an Aspergian child. The point of the episode was whether you should be honest if your partner isn't getting it done or just fake it to make them feel better. Granted, it was not the Aspergian child who was involved in the orgasm, but I feel it could definitely play a roleif I ever choose to have sex, which I most certainly will. As a heterosexual male, any female sex partner I would have would likely know about my autism beforehand, but if they don't this could still apply. As a general rule, I would not appreciate if a girl faked orgasm just to make me feel better, especially if I actually wasn't getting the job done adequately. The fact that I am autistic doesn't make me any less of a person, and I should be treated equally, so if I have bad sex, I shouldn't get away with it just because I'm autistic. I'd appreciate it if she'd be honest with me that I wasn't very good so I could purchase some Viagra and greatly improve the quality. So the bottom line is, don't fake orgasm with me. I appreciate honesty, even though I am autistic and I know the truth hurts sometimes.


QuoteDaAutieNevermore said...

You need to get laid before you worry about them faking it or not.

Anonymous said...

You can get laid as an Aspie. You're lying to yourself. I thought Andrew was banned from here? I guess it means I'm allowed back as well.

jonathan said...

You are still young, you still might meet someone. You have to get out there and try more and ask more women out. I realize that is hard for someone on the spectrum to do, as I know this from personal experience.

Jake Crosby said...

Oliver, you're only 17. You're still in high school, and you've got all four years of college ahead of you. You got plenty of time!