Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Republicans Take Back The House

Republicans have taken control of the House of Representatives, while making significant gains in the Senate. This will send a message to President Obama that his leftism will not be tolerated. The new Speaker of the House will be John Boehner (pronounced BAY-ner) of Ohio replacing Nancy Pelosi of California. It is unknown whether or not Pelosi will stay on as House Minority Leader. Boehner will now be third in the line of succession to the presidency, so if Barack Obama and Joe Biden both die, John Boehner will become President. Democrats unfortunately fared better here in California, where Jerry Brown defeated Meg Whitman for Governor, and incumbent Barbara Boxer defeated Carly Fiorina for Senator. Proposition 19 did not pass, however, as Proposition 8 did back in 2008. Jerry Brown will succed Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger as Governor. Brown previously served as Governor from 1975 to 1983, and his father Pat Brown did the same from 1959 to 1967. Sandwiched in between them was Ronald Reagan, who would go on to become the 40th President of the United States. All in all, it was a good night for Republicans, and hopefully we will send Barack Obama back packing to Chicago in 2012.


jonathan said...

Actually don't rule out Fiorina yet. At worst, she lost by a razor thin margin and has still not conceded the election. Unless more returns come in widening the gap between her and Boxer she should demand a recount.

jonathan said...

actually word has it that Fiorina conceded to Boxer this morning.

Unknown said...

Oliver, I bet you are also ticked that Prop 23 is repealed, because I am very happy that it is ;) Texas oil companies have lost thanks to people who actually care about the planet.

I was turned off immediately when I saw that Fiorina laid off more American workers by sending their jobs to poor countries. I'm all for trade, but definitely not at the level it has been for the last few decades. We are basically exploiting China for its cheaper labor and lack of environmental laws, which is very *99*ed up. I doubt we are helping the citizens there; we are just creating more misery for them.

Phil/Timelord said...

Ari Ne'eman should be your hero and someone to look up to.

Phil/Timelord said...

He leaves no room because a cure would kill people - including you. He's saving lives and that's a fact. Cure talk is kill talk that feeds on a society that fears Autism (thanks for nothing Autism Speaks!). Don't think for one second that I won't be forced to be cured if one was found. Ditto everyone else who doesn't want to be cured. Because society will demand it.

Ari is fighting that eugenic line as any civil person would and should do. He is fighting for your life!

Phil/Timelord said...

Abortion in that respect would be eugenics, so there is no hypocrisy. The Autistic community is a culture all of it's own and should be helped, not feared and hated. The way to save tax dollars in the long term is to just give us a chance to show what we can do. And put the brakes on stress (which I believe is the core reason why the Spectrum has been more prevalent as of late). Look what stress has done to Mitchell. Look what it's doing to you. And neither of you are doing anything about it. I am and so is Andrew. Ari is as well and he's already in an influential position to get that done. He's certainly in a stronger position that either John Elder Robison or Alex Plank.

No one on the Spectrum is a danger to society just because they are on the Spectrum.

Phil/Timelord said...

Cresp isn't on the Spectrum. He's a con artist. Crosby has been successful anyway and has no reason to demand a cure. A cure is death, therefore if you are pro cure then you are anti choice. Cure equals abortion equals eugenics - without a choice.

A cure is not needed. Understanding the condition is what's needed - and no, stress should not be treated by drugs (except certain sorts). It should be treated by genuine relief outside of medicine. A good holiday is an ideal stress reliever for example.

Squealing for a cure is a squeal for murder - pure and simple.