I've been thinking lately about that NBA/Gatorade commercial and how it applies to autism. The opening line is "If you want a revolution, the only solution is to evolve." It is sung by a black guy (just like STFU) but that is beside the point. The real message is that trying to change the world is pointless, and that to be happy at all, you must change yourself. I feel this could be a perfect analogy to the ND/pro-cure debate. A neurodiverse autistic person is more likely to be stubborn and refuse to change, because they refuse to accept that autism is a disease. However, a pro-cure autistic person is more likely to realize that autism does nothing but hold them back, and would gladly accept a cure in order to have sex, which is something that everyone wants to do, whether or not they will accept it.
I used to have my head in the clouds regarding autism, but no more. I now realize what a horrendous disease autism is, and why it needs to be cured. Even I, who am relatively high-functioning, am feeling the effects, because I have not had sex and I am already 18 years old. That is intolerable in American society. Guys should have had sex by the time they were 16 or 17 at the absolute latest, and girls usually by 14 or 15. Anyone who is still a virgin into the years of legal adulthood is pretty much screwed over for life, because if you don't use it you lose it.
Another thing that turned me off of neurodiversity is how they openly admit how they are modeled after the gay rights movement, and state that how one day autistic people will be accepted as gay people are today. That is bad for two reasons. Number 1: it seems to hint that it is OK to be gay (which is isn't) and number 2: that being gay and being autistic are remotely similar (which they aren't). While people cannot control being autistic and there's nothing inherently bad about it, it is still a disease, and it causes great harm to the people who suffer from it. Therefore, we should cure it, akin to curing cancer and AIDS. Being gay, however, is not a disease, but a sinful and ungodly activity which must me stopped pronto. It is specifically prohibited under Leviticus 18:22, and study after scientific study has shown that homosexuality is indeed a conscious choice made by the individual (despite what gay rights activists tell you, which is censoring the scientific truth and coming up with bullshit "studies" of their own). If people choose to murder (which is also a sin) we throw them in jail, and the same should be true with homosexuality. Being autistic is not a sin, nor is having cancer or AIDS (unless you got the AIDS from being gay as opposed to doing drugs), but those are diseases that need to be cured for the betterment of society. Being gay is not a disease, it is a sin that is a choice and ungodly. Therefore, it should not be cured, but it should be punished. About 40 years ago, the stupid gay rights activists penetrated our liberal society and started convincing everyone that is was OK to be gay, regardless of what the Bible said. Now they've even convinced us to let them get married and serve openly in the military, which are the utmost of sins. Now, some sociopathic autistic people are using the gay peoples' same line of rhetoric, and this time the autistic people have the Bible on their side. However, it is even worse in this sense, as autism is a horrendous disease, not a sinful and lustful activity like homosexuality is. People don't choose to be autistic as they do to be gay, but it must be cured like cancer and AIDS so people can have sex. If there was no cure for autism, all autistic people would be virgins, and that is unacceptable. I'm here to make sure that doesn't happen. Gay people refuse to evolve into strait people, because they want to continue to sin to the Lord and make sure everyone else does as well. These sociopathic neurodiverse autistic people want everyone to be autistic, so they can all suffer. These NDs aren't even autistic themselves, and were paid off by Big Pharma. Any well-intended thing that Autism Speaks does is dismissed as "neurobigotry" by ND, and the liberal left backs them up. If you want a revolution, the only solution is to evolve. Gay people have refused to evolve into strait people, and it has contributed to our sinful society. Now, autistic people are being encouraged not to evolve into normal people, and that must be stopped, because we cannot have these diseased people in our society. It is bad for them and for us as a whole. I, however, am not one of those people. I am a diagnosed autistic, but I am willingly evolving into a normal person, and am currently in the process of doing do, albeit not completely there yet. Hopefully by 2011, I'll be completely evolved, or at least 75% there. Now, I'm less than 25% there, which is why I abandoned this blog for the past week or so, because I am in the process of becoming a normal person. It's more or less of a detox. This was my best post yet, and there may be more to come but I don't know.
"Who am I?
I'm not who you see
Gotta take a chance
Get to know the real me."
Monday, November 15, 2010
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Getting a cure isn't evolving. Evolving means changing how you think, not how your brain is structured, and you know... aww fuck it, that's two ideas, one more than your lazy-mind is willing to process.
"You're right that you can evolve without a cure, but neurodiversity won't even do that."
Counterexample... YO!!!
Counterexample... Dr. Stephen Shore.
Counterexample... Ari Neeman
Counterexample... Temple Grandin
Counterexample... Dan Ackroyd
Counterexample... The Late-Great Mitch Hedberg.
Counterexample... Tim Burton
All very neurodiverse, and all very well-adjusted and "evolved" members of society despite whether or not you like some of the people mentioned. You can't ignore facts... oh... wait you're a teabagger, I withdraw that statement. And besides why the fuck are using the term evolve, as out of context your use of the term may be... I thought you didn't believe in Evolution.
"Tim Burton is not Aspergian. If you have evidence that he is, please show it to me."
I'll show you evidence that Tim Burton is Aspergian once you show me evidence that Dan Ackroyd isn't. I am a big-time fan of Dan Ackroyd, so big that I even forgive him for Blues Brothers 2000if he said that I would know, son.
for someone throwing around biblical laws you certainly seem to be indifferent to them yourself with your obsession of having premarital intercourse.
maybe the reason society stinks is because people pick and choose their morality, sort of like what you seem to be doing.
""I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK
I sleep all night and I work all day.""
Does the rest of that song apply to you as well?
"The evidence is on Wicked Pedia. I'm not sure if it's on his article or on the article about famous autistic people or the one about Asperger's syndrome, but it's there."
Direct link from a credible source please.
No they're not it's wikipedia, for all I know you could've edited it. Something else please.
You can link it. You have a ctrl key, a c key, and v key don't you?
Then do it dipshit.
being gay is justifiable in today's society as is premarital sex. anything can be justified and rationalized to suit your needs. homicide is justifiable.
if you are going to condemn other people using the bible better cast that stone at yourself first.
if you aren't gay, that's great. live and let live.
i'm pretty sure the bible states you are not to lay with another man's wife but if you have sex before you are married and you don't marry the person you have sex with... well, you're laying with another's aren't you? i think it is a commandment as well.
i understand you feel like you are the only 18 year old virgin in america but it is just not the case. you might be the most vocal about your situation.
if you are going to pull out old testament law and then live the way the media tells you to you are going to experience a lot of frustration and find yourself compromising either or both.
i'm not saying you can't feel or think homosexuality isn't right or good, just might not want to judge unless you are ready for the same.
just please leave off with the fag bashing since you intend to do your own thing yourself regardless of the impact it has on society. it is contradictory and makes you look flakier than you should at your age.
also, when someone antagonizes you, state your case once and don't let them push your buttons. i'm referring to another one of your posts.
if someone calls you a fag, i would ignore them. if you find you can't, state ONCE you are heterosexual and leave it. constant denial looks suspicious especially when you talk about how evil gayness is. it can be interpreted in the opposite way you mean it.
tim burton's wife thinks he's got asperger's and after watching an autism documentary he was quoted as saying that is exactly how he felt as a child. is he officially diagnosed? i don't know.
I said I'd give you yours first and I'll give mine after, and when you give a link I'll give you mine. Unlike you I don't withhold evidence when it is my turn to rejoinder, that's your M.O. not mine. You afterall are the anti-intellectual Teabagger.
And your word means jack-shit, if you said the clear sky is blue and that the sun sets in the west, I wouldn't take your word on that.
Counter-example... Me, fuckhead.
You are a virgin because you are a dickweed. That and I have yet to believe you regarding the fact that you like them but I will leave that there. Eminem once said (Phil, I'm not saying this or directly connecting it to Oliver, just quoting.) "Homophobic? Nah, you just heterophobic. Staring at my jeans, watching my genitals bulbing. These my motherfucking balls, you better let go of em. They belond in my scrotum, you'll never get hold of em!"
Also, to reiterate what Poppy said, your refusal to provide a link to prove that Dan Ackroyd does not really have Aspergers, makes you look like a flaky little sleazeball.
Looks like daddy's little girl is going to have to have his father negotiate you through another demation case.
"Andrew, you're not gonna sue me. You don't have the balls to sue me. Plus, you're too lazy anyway."
Eh, you may be right about the second one, but in the words of Inspector Callahan, "you gotta ask yourself one question, "Do I feel lucky?" Well do ya punk?"
Ummm... I didn't concede, defeat I said you may be right, as in it's a possibility not a definite, and that you need to ask yourself if you feel lucky, punk.
Oh... believe me I have better shit to do than sue you. But I'm good at juggling many different things just ask the women I've been with. So I'm sure I'll have time to sue your ass off.
I guess you're feeling lucky then.
I hear jerking off filters out mercury. Don't tell Christine O'Donnell or she'll cast a curse upon thee.
i didn't say you are a flake, i said your comments were more flakey than a lot of teenagers.
you are picking and choosing your morality. you used the bible to condemn homosexuality.
you seemed to have ignored these ditties:
Acts 15:20; 1 Corinthians 5:1; 6:13, 18; 10:8; 2 Corinthians 12:21; Galatians 5:19; Ephesians 5:3; Colossians 3:5; 1 Thessalonians 4:3; Jude 7; Hebrews 13:4; ETC.
hebrews13:4 defines 2 types of sex that are prohibited: moichos (having sex with someone other than your spouse/ie adultery) and porneia (unmarried sex/fornication-sexual immorality).
feel free to check them out for yourself.
if you are going to use the bible to back yourself up you should be careful that your source of reasoning doesn't bite you in the butt.
do you actually know any homosexuals?
i do and i don't think it is a choice. i know plenty of fags that TRIED their best NOT to be gay.
you state you are living by your own code of conduct which is the same thing as saying you pick and choose your morality. you used the bible to defend your hatred of gays but conveniently left yourself out of the scrutiny.
i mentioned a few ways for you to meet nice girls in a previous post. have you tried that?
for you to say that no autistic persons have intercourse is really flakey and patently false.
you claimed initially homosexuality has contributed to our sinful society but you forgot about the heteros that are making our society sinful, ie sexual diseases, abortion, children out of wedlock, etc.
do you hold rush limbaugh in esteem? he's a disgrace morally. how many times do you need to get married, you pill-popping freak? do you support palin? glen beck?
it seems a lot of conservative republicans are really into the whole "do as i say, not as i do". extremely hypocritical.
kind of like what you did: gays are evil, the bible said so, like the bible said not to have premarital sex but that doesn't apply to me. i pick what i want to believe out of the bible.
if you don't want to be a hypocrite, drop the biblical references. just hate gays and want premarital sex. leave the bible out of it.
again, look back at my comment on your ekg post. i suggested a way you could meet nice girls.
do you listen to coldplay. dude was a virgin until he was into his 20s. not everyone in the world wants to fornicate like dogs (indiscriminately) just because they can.
you say you're not influenced by the media yet you are because you are so convinced having premarital sex and multiple partners is a-ok and that there is something wrong with you if you aren't doing it.
you're putting the horse before the cart. quit obsessing about sex and start thinking about how to have a relationship (be it friend or more) with a girl first. sex will come.
you're blaming your autism but that isn't it 100%. it is just a more convenient excuse than looking for real solutions.
if you want to wait on a cure, you're going to be a very old virgin. i suggest looking into the other sources of your problem.
and logically, how can less than 10% (gays) of an entire population control and ruin everything?
the other 90% isn't doing anything? nothing?
also, fox news? seriously? how about reading the economist instead. you'll get better and more accurate information, something as a conservative republican you should really try to do.
if you think ANY media outlet in america is unbiased you have a lot to learn. try the economist.
the difference between my using the word fag and you using the word fag is i don't hate fags, you do. i'm not stating they are a bunch of sinners on the straightaway to hell... you are.
i'm a fag hag. i have plenty of gay friends of both persuasions. i'll let you know if a gay person has a problem with me using the word fag.
i don't mean it derogatorily in case someone reads this, does not know me, and takes offense. just got tired of typing homosexual.
none of my gay friends has ever preached that i or anyone else should become gay. they just want to be treated fairly.
i think everyone should be treated fairly, even people i hate (pedophiles, molesters, et al).
the term is equal under the law.
where on earth are you getting the 1 in 3 is gay fact from?
you are still contradicting yourself by using the bible to condemn one sexual activity while ignoring the bible regarding your own (well, desire for). if you are going to say one is wrong, then both/all are wrong.
if you pick and choose which part of the bible to use then you are picking and choosing your morality. you said yourself you follow leviticus 18:22 but not anything else.
my guess is that you are not gay and so you find it very easy to comply.
why follow one little tiny aspect and not the rest?
that is why i suggested you leave the bible out of it. that way you are safe from being ridiculed as a hypocrite.
it makes you sound ignorant to blame all that ails society on one group. that is the same thing hitler did. just don't do it.
still more...
the term flakey from http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/flakey:
–adjective, flak·i·er, flak·i·est.
1. of or like flakes.
2. lying or cleaving off in flakes or layers.
3. Slang . eccentric; wacky; dizzy: a flaky math professor.
and because i think you enjoy baseball:
"The term 'flake' needs explanation. It's an insider's word, used throughout baseball, usually as an adjective; someone is considered 'flaky.' It does not mean anything so crude as 'crazy,' but it's well beyond 'screwball' and far off to the side of 'eccentric.' " ["New York Times," April 26, 1964]
you can read the economist online. it isn't a newspaper but a respected international magazine. it is a british publication.
also, newspapers are also digital these days, since you are of the digital age.
chris martin was a virgin until he was 22 years old. i never said 27 and have no idea where you got that from. slow down when you read!
i'm glad your rx hasn't given you boobs. really, you should call them moobs if you get them. you will get them once you get much much older, rx or not. everyone starts getting droopy.
i don't know what help group is.
i don't recommend a tattoo of any sort but that is just my opinion. i wanted one when i was younger and i am glad i could never make my mind up.
did you ever watch earlier glen beck shows?
a good friend of mine used to do a little thing on it. he also wrote a book which beck reviewed. they went to school together. this friend is also friend's with john mayer (probably an idol of yours since he's such a slut). i'm his boring friend!
i don't like glen beck (or john mayer) but i love my friend and i don't hold it against him he worked for beck and was on his show. live and let live.
i don't like talking heads, be they liberal or conservative.
you should not be executed. you haven't done anything to warrant such action.
although when you make absurd comments i wish i could be!
more still......
what if i tell you i worked with autistic people and that i know for a fact some were having sex? i would not be allowed to name names because of hipaa so don't even ask. it was a serious problem because it happened in a group home which meant a lot of professionals had to get involved so that no person's rights were violated. they were accurately diagnosed. they were having sex. more than once.
it is better to say your asd interferes with your pursuit of sex, not that it is the cause of it. say it impacts your ability severely. if you can have an erection then your asd is not preventing you from sexual intercourse. interfering, yes, preventing, no.
i wasn't telling you to go to the hospital and get an ekg to meet women. i was telling you where my suggestion of how to meet them is located at the end of the comments on your ekg post. slow down and read!
you are not going to meet girls in strip clubs. you will see girls. unless you are ready to spend a lot of money they are not going to date you, have sex with you, or even pay that much attention to you.
as for a tattoo parlor, hmmm. i must be so old i had no idea that was a place to meet people. i didn't realize people hang out there unless they are getting a tattoo.
a bar isn't the best or worst place.
do you have any other interests (outside of getting your freak on) that could take you out of the house so you can meet people?
concerts are just ok, too loud and distracting. baseball, well you're interested in ladies so that might not be the best route. but there are ladies that enjoy the sport so are you involved with any clubs/groups related to your teams?
i think you should be putting more energy towards meeting people and having some sort of relationship with them. the sex part will come.
are you not taking any classes? this is a great way to meet ladies.
i think it is sweet you think i'm possibly a very religious person. i'm not.
it didn't take anything but a dogpile search to come up with the specific parts of the bible that forbid/condemn premarital sex.
i was raised religion and your relationship with god or what/whomever is your own business. it is a private issue. live and live.
i just checked your facebook page, it isn't a full picture but you are cute from what i can tell and if you can calm down, stop obsessing about sex, and work on your social skills you should have no problems.
don't hold your breath on a cure, like i said earlier if you want a cure to have sex then you are going to be a mighty old virgin.
ok, so you aren't going to college but you can take a class, one class, in something you are interested in.
this is what i suggested to you a while ago...
as an example:
you are interested in photography (it can be anything)
you want to learn to take better pictures (or whatever)
there are plenty of places that offer classes or workshops in l.a.
because it would be something you are genuinely interested in you wouldn't be stalking or being a creep.
hopefully you meet people that share the same interests.
it doesn't have to be a girl, you could meet a guy you really think is cool and nice, a friend, maybe they have friends that are girls or even a sister. meeting girls through people you already know is a good way to go about it, they feel safer because they have some kind of connection to you.
advertising that you are only interested in getting laid is not attractive to most girls.
you really need to get yourself out and involved in something your peer group is doing. it will give you more practice to work on your skills.
ask any guy, asd or not, you don't just wake up one day and start scoring. if you aren't ready to meet with some amount of rejection you are never going to learn what works, what doesn't, and you are going to be very lonely. even the pros get rejected once. the rest of us get it more often. it is part of life, asd or not, male or female, friend or more.
as for the rest, i won't argue with you about it.
you don't have any proof 1 in 3 are gay, you don't want to hear that plenty of 18 year olds without asd are virgins and also frustrated, you don't understand that because i worked with the people i was referring to legally i cannot name names because of hipaa and they must not have known what they were doing (they did), etc.
believe what you want. i was only trying to help you stop sounding so immature and flakey and help you figure out a way to meet a girl.
i tried.
best of luck in all your endeavors oliver!
oliver, you comment about suicide worries me.
i hope you were not being serious.
if you were just being "funny", please do not joke that way.
if you were serious, please let someone close to you know and get yourself help.
"Telling people makes matters worse, not better. They will not listen to you or why you want to die."
I'm not saying that he should keep it to himself, Hell I know his father pays attention to this blog so I know this is just a melodramic. smoke-screen for people who read his blog.
But anyway, he honestly does have a point, about that. I don't know from first-hand experience. When I was committed in the 7th Grade it was because I was having a break-down because of what an utter prick my principal and school faculty were, and I'm explosive, I never hurt myself.
But when I was in the psychiatric hospital that ultimately turned my life around, the vast majority of other patients I interacted with were suicide failures and that was the whole problem, all of their loved ones freaked out and tried to cope with their own feelings towards the suicide than as opposed to trying to help him/her.
And the therapists weren't worth a damn at helping them either they just said "no, no, no." And explained why suicide is bad. They don't need to know why suicide is bad they need an alternative and a reason to do that instead of killing themselves. But most of the therapist and their stupid fucking families didn't know that and I felt sorry for those guys because they had to put up with this treatment that didn't even work and made them feel like shit further.
Anyway I can the point in saying that people knowing makes it worse not better.
"Well said, Andrew. I appreciate your honesty here."
I may be a vindictive prick sometimes to people I disaprove of, and I don't fault myself or anybody for that, but one thing I'm never willing to do is lie or hide from my honest opinions, I'm honest even when it may enable people I dislike.
You and I both detest each other, and I'm biased but I don't lie. I believe that is a quality you have to respect and that you despite your opinion of me should emulate.
I'm an open-book, that's how I like it, it makes me credible and I don't fear my past because I'm a proud man and it's something that I often talk about as an advocate or guest speak. It's good to talk about these things because it gives people an honest, and real picture, and I don't like people thinking I'm an ideal person, I'm not, I'm a 20 year old college student who has turned his life around, but still is not above smoking weed and, partying and having one-nighters, as I shouldn't be. I'm not an ideal role model, I'm a pragmatic role model. And that's why I get respect and that's why I love doing for the ASD Community what I do for it. What I don't love is when somebody whom I am trying to help and have been since I've known you, aside from times when I have gotten frustrated and been mean-spirited towards you, I don't appreciate it when you tell blatant lies to me, as you are about you're honesty. You may not have lied constantly but it won't be too hard for me to dig a good supply of things you have said that were untrue. I know this so please do not insult my intelligence and the intelligence of anyone who reads this blog, please.
oliver, i think quote is really trying to help you.
you've already stated that 1 and 3 is gay was just an arbitrary thing you came up with. you give plenty of people a reason to be angry with the things you post on your blog. he is only trying to pull you out of it.
i know he has been rude and harsh. he has for his own reasons. right or wrong.
he has been trying to reach you.
you. oliver canby.
some person that has never even seen your face is out there, in this world, trying to help you. even though you make this person angry with what you have written. he is still trying to help you through your mess. you. your mess. he wants to help you.
maybe you think this is funny and you don't take it seriously. i don't know. other people take it seriously. quote is taking time out of his pursuit of sexploitation and the rest of his life to advise you.
take it or leave it. your choice.
just please please please do not threaten suicide.
you get attention without that threat.
do not make false threats. you think spending 9 hours in er is tough, try spending the 72 hours of baker-acted plus. i know from my own experience. twice. and try not 9 hours but 3 months. 3 months of confinement. 3 months of trying to explain how suck %ss the world is. let me know if you get to that point. 9 hours of your life at 18 seems extreme. try 3 months at any age. in any state of mind.
please, if you are going to joke about suicide, let it be known that you are joking.
"There's a difference between helping and trying to change someone's views."
Some views need to be changed for the sake of everybody, yours included. You talk about how you feel that making your life easier is less important than making everybody else's life easier, that's how you justify your desire to be "normal" and not forcing the "normal" people to accept you for you. Well, a change in your views will do that, so in you need to practice what you've been preaching regarding that. Additionally, if you do change your views, given time and hard work, making the World better will make things better for you, as you will be able to get laid.
You can no longer hide behind the those are my views excuse. Your views have been proven to be wrong and I have given you plenty of tips to get laid despite and/or with being on the Spectrum. Here's another tip it's called a wingman. You have your own strengths if you use them properly it helps. That I've already, but in addition to you individually, a wingman is a friend of yours (usually male) who compliments and/or accentuates said strengths. For example me and my friend Duncan (whose name I've changed because I'm too lazy to call and ask if it's cool, besides dumbfuck never answers his phone anyway) are perfect wingmen for each other, because I'm a funny, boisterous, and smart individual but most importantly ballsy. Duncan is analytical, sensitive, and looks very laid-back and caring. So I look like a man's man as I go after girls who like a man's man and Duncan being the (not affeminate but)less ballsy and loud type accentuates my attributes and makes me more appealing, and it looks like there is more depth to me because I hang out with a guy so different from me.
Inversely, I make him look better because he goes after girls who are more interested in sensitive men like himself, and hanging around such a boisterous, humorous, gym-rat accentuates his attributes and adds more depth to him.
Our usual strategy is we'll go to a place, like a crowded restaurant or the food-court at the mall or just walk around the mall itself, and have a debate with each other. It's important to also note that the debates we have aren't fake or staged or anything like that, Duncan and I as too thought-oriented friends will do, debate a lot with each other and generally when we are winging each other we're seriously debating about something. It adds genuity to how women look at us and it makes us look interesting because we're usually arguing over a very intellectual topic. And then we look for girls who seem interested in one of us and the rule is that the first one to get a girl eyeing him is the one who gets laid that night or at least we focus on him till he scores or fails.
It seems to me from the limited knowledge I have that you could be like the Duncan in this and Aspie Al could be like me in this. Hell it's worth a shot. Trial and error, most good ideas don't work the first several tries. Neither do bad ideas just ask me about my most recent ex, the point is you won't be able to distinguish which one it is until you try several upon several times.
"Next month, I am receiving chelation thanks to John Best. Hopefully then, I will be a normal person and be able to have sex." Considering it was posted on March 2nd 2010 and you have not been chelated by Foreskin.
And fyi this is a lie.
i don't know about california but in florida you could be committed by baker act just for writing that you are considering killing yourself.
i take what you are saying seriously. you consider killing yourself in the near future.
i don't take it lightly.
how are you better if you consider suicide as an option? a possibility? even in the near or distant future?
i know quote was hard on you. i think it was his version of tough love.
effective? i don't know. probably not.
i can tell he is trying to help you. trying to change your opinion? maybe. ok, probably. definitely. but he is still reaching out to you.
you don't have to change your opinion. be yourself. if that means he disagrees with you, that's ok.
but threatening a possible suicide is serious.
what do you want me to say, kill yourself? i'm not going to do that.
and you keep posting his comments. why? if you don't care for or agree with his comments, mod them out. ignore him. this is YOUR blog.
you've put yourself out here, vulnerable to any comment or critique. that takes a lot but you cannot let that make you crazy or unstable. or threaten suicide. people are going to disagree with you.
help can come in many ways and many forms.
you might not be able to tell that someone is reaching out because you are so set in your ways and feel you are infallible.
and sometimes, the love comes in ways you don't want, expect, or can even recognize.
as much as you would like to pick and choose you can't.
can you do something for me?
can you say that life sucks, it isn't fair, it makes no sense, you hate your asd, but you will carry on?
that is enough for me.
go ahead and say what you want, hate who you want, but carry on. just don't make threats where complete strangers are worried about your well being.
i know it is a way to get attention but i don't think it is ok.
that's just me. you don't know me. i understand.
if you can't, then don't. i am asking you not to consider suicide. i know you are depressed and frustrated. again, i am asking you not to consider suicide an option. i hope not to be rejected but if you do, i understand.
i won't be able to comment again because i am going out of town tomorrow. feeling like some stranger in california is going to kill themselves is not the way i want to leave this but i don't have control over where i have to be and what i have to do in the next week.
yes, it bothers me.
i hope you end this thread and start a new one.
one without any mention of ending it all.
if you can't do that for me, i understand. i don't like it but i understand.
until another time; i hope you reconsider.
"I know that life is the most precious gift that God can give."
Life is not that great of a gift. Spirit well that's the greatest gift there is no matter who the fuck's name is on the from-line.
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