Monday, August 16, 2010

It Is Our Duty

Lately, there has been a lot of back and forth garb about whether it is our duty to comform to society or whether it is society's duty to conform to us. Let me tell you: it is our duty. We were born as autistics, naturally inferior to normals. We can't help it, but this is how we are. This is not going to change by us whining and bitching to society about how they cause all our problems, because they don't. Autism causes all of our problems, and it must be cured. We are defective and we are broken. We are just humble citizens, basking in the glory of normal people, and we must be nice to them. We must respect our superiors a great deal. There are ways to make this worthwhile, and there are also ways just to be miserable about it and blame society. That is counterproductive, and not the way to go. The absolute best way to fix our autism is a cure, because not only does that make us conform it does so in a way in which we feel good about it. Should a cure not be available, medication such as anti-depressants may slightly lessen the burden and make us feel a little better about acting normal. I've experienced this personally, and let me tell you it is not easy to act good around normal people. It is emotionally draining, and it is why I left high school semester early. I wish I'd just been on more drugs, so it could've felt at least a little better. However, I know not to blame other people for this, and that the problem is in me. If I choose to act autistic in public, that will not pay dividends, as it will give a bad rep socially. Also, if I tell people I'm autistic and that they have to deal with my socially aberrant behavior, that's not good social skills either, as you're essentially being a self-righteous jackass who doesn't care for others. Say you're on a train, riding through the Australian countryside. You ask the conductor if you can sleep on the floor, and he says no, because it is against company policy. This goes for everyone, not just autistic people. However, since you are an "Aspie," you believe you deserve special treatment, because you are "special." You then decide to throw a hissy fit and get thrown off the train by the conductor. Later, you decide to sue the railway company, end up bankrupting yourself because of it, and end up on the dole and suing people just to steal their money. Ta boot, the CMO declared you "medically unfit for work," sentencing you to a life on the dole. That does not seem like a good life to me. Here's another example. Say I'm in public and see a really hot girl, and I want to have sex with her. That's normal, right? I mean, men think that all the time. However, there are societal rules and norms that go along with that feeling. But let's say that because I'm an "Aspie," I decide to disregard those rules. I just rape the girl right then and there on the spot. Now, I could complain to Judge Canby or Judge Pregerson that I am an "Aspie" and therefore shouldn't have to follow society's rules, but even they, despite knowing me, wouldn't buy that argument. No right thinking judge would. Not even Judge Walker. Rape is a very serious crime in California, so I'd be given a 20 to life sentence. Also, if the victim was under 18, that'd be another 20 years tacked onto my sentence, meaning I'd be almost 60 before I'd even be eligible for parole. Also, my photo would be on, for all my neighbors to see. Both of the examples I have given show how ridiculous the "neurodiversity" philosophy is. People can't just do anything, regardless of their autism, because it would put others in danger. When I was at Village Glen West, I was in a world of my own being so superior to everyone else. When I went to University High School by my own request, I got a real wakeup call because I was inferior to everyone else. I was bound to serve them, not them to serve me, because I was so humble and inferior. While I was brighter academically, and would gladly help other students with their work, I felt it was my honor or God-given duty because I was inferior to them in so many other areas. I would trade academic brightness for the ability to get laid any day of the week. I hope I have unequivocally proven how bad neurodiversity is and how it is our duty as autistic people to conform for the betterment of society and not the other way around.

BREAKING NEWS: The 9th Circuit has just stayed gay marriage. Whoop dee doo! What a victory! For once, the 9th Circuit (which includes Judge Canby and Judge Pregerson) has shown that it's not completely liberal and has shown Judge Walker what a judicial activist he really is.


The Nit-Picker said...

FYI, I don't think any intelligent person has used the word abhorrant in at least 50 years. Definitely wouldn't be somebody who did other people's homework.

Anonymous said...

I hope I have unequivocally proven how bad neurodiversity is and how it is our duty as autistic people to conform for the betterment of society and not the other way around.

No, you've proven that your attitude is anti diversity. You against homosexuals for a start, but there's no doubt you are a cultural bigot. It is your duty to expect people to accept you as you are. If they won't - you fight them. What can't be cured can be endured, and that is what you HAVE to do in order to life a decent life.

It is your duty to be you. And you are Aspergian. It is your right under every United Nations Declaration. Society has no right to dictate terms to you, and to submit to that will make you a slave - and a coward. The only exception is the law, and you are aware of that through your grandfather as a judge and your parents as lawyers.

You're on the wrong side of the debate, Canby. Every human being is neurodiverse in their own way. Being neurotypical is a part of the grand diversity that is the human race. You can't deny ND, because you are a part of it. For one simple reason;

You are a human being.

Andrew, check your PM's on my forum in the next hour or so.

Unknown said...

You sound just like Anne Coulter.

Unknown said...

Obviously you would like that, since you are par for the course of the right wing. You might as well agree that women should not vote, guns should be allowed, animal welfare is not necessary, taxes should be cut for the rich, blah blah blah. I am done, since one can rarely compel another to change his political views. But you will get a bad reputation as deserved.

Anonymous said...

If you're right about that, the US economy is doomed - and the world economy will fall over like a pack of cards.

Ann Coulter is a nutcase - fruitcake standard. You are a slave, Canby. A slave to society that you want to be a part of on their terms. And that will kill you outright - because you can't do it. They HAVE to change for you, otherwise you'll NEVER have the freedom you desire. A cure is not possible. Improvement is, but you aren't doing a thing towards that. You claim to be a human being - so start behaving like one because right now you're behaving like the animal society sees you as.

You are Neurodiverse. Fact. Whether or not you are pro-cure makes no difference. Stop thinking of ND as a political movement because that's fouling up your whole perspective. Neurodiversity is brain difference, and nothing else. Got it?

Anonymous said...

Oh PS - expect an appeal to the Supreme Court of California on that gay marraige thing, and then finally the Supreme Court of the United States whichever way it goes.

Anonymous said...

First off, I did forget that the District Court was federal. Thanks for that correction.

But the rest of that is wrong. Brain difference exists across the human race - Autistic Spectrum or not. That is what neurodiversity is. It is NOT the antithesis of pro-cure. I wish you would stop defining ND incorrectly. As long as you continue to do that you'll never truly understand the whole battleground.

Your brain is different. You can't change that fact. It's genetic and that's it. You have to adjust to it and you have the right expect society to help you do so. Allowing them to dictate terms to you is a violation of the 13th Amendment (to use your point back at you in a way you'll get). That's slavery! Taking advantage of you and your supposed inferiority - which is stereotypical bullshit. Do you like being taken advantage of? I mean really?

Anonymous said...

Oliver - again, neurodiversity originated in 1999/2000 and not 2006. Look it up on Wikipedia. It's sourced, and definition given then is the correct one. It has not changed.

Being taken advantage of is way wider than rape of any sort. It means a person using your weaknesses against you. That story you told is a great example of it. When you think of yourself as inferior you are more vulnerable to such things automatically. That's why you can't do that. You HAVE to think of yourself as equal and it's true as well.

You'll be a slave to society if you don't - you couldn't avoid it. Even if you took it to court for a violation of the 13th Amendment, you'll get told that you did nothing to avoid it. Is this getting through to you? This is the second last time I'll be here so it's important to know.

Anonymous said...

No, Oliver, there were people promoting neurodiversity before Ari and ASAN made it fashionable.

I never said you'd be laughed out of court. I said you'd lose because you did nothing to avoid it. Put it this way - it will be promoted as WANTING to be a slave, simply because you won't fight to be an equal as is your right. Accepting inferiority is impossible to hide in public long term - unless you hide physically and never leave home. And that's not something that anyone would recommend.

That's it. I'm done on this blog.