Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Pro Cure Equals Pro Murder?

I know Jonathan Mitchell did a post on this last week, but I feel this is an important topic so I will do one as well. There was this crazy Pakistani woman in Texas who murdered her two autistic children, because she wished they were normal. She clearly had issues in her own right, but nothing excuses murder. However, a neurodiverse blogger named Sarah decided to say that the murder was caused by Autism Speaks and other pro-cure organizations. It seems as if neurodiversity believes that if you support a cure to give your child a better life, you also support murdering your child to give them no life at all. Somehow, that doesn't make sense.

Let me be clear on this. NOTHING justifies murder, and I hope this woman gets the death penalty for her actions. In my book, murder also includes abortion. Some neurodiverse people like Phil Gluyas say that supporting a cure equals supporting an abortion, which is simply not true. If there was a prenatal test for autism that led to an abortion, I would oppose it, on the same grounds that I'd oppose any other abortion. I don't see why I should make an exception to my political views and moral values for autistic people.

I also realize that there are some neurodiverse people who do not share these views, and I applaud them for that. I realize that within an organization (any one), there is a multitude of views and even if the head people happen to be fringe lunatics, there are some who hold saner views and would not automatically blame Autism Speaks for the ruthless murder of two innocent children. I would encourage these people to speak up more, because I know they exist, and speak against the mainstream of neurodiversity, which frankly makes them look bad. There are always different factions within larger ones, and I encourage neurodiverse people to put their other views aside and stop blaming Autism Speaks for a murder, hoping there are at least some of you out there.


QuoteDaAutieNevermore said...

Autism Speaks supports murder. They are a bunch of Nazi bastards.

While I agree with you that not all of you Curaqis support muder (When I do say that I only say that as a counter to you saying that everybody in the Anti-Cure faction is against all treatments and services.) Autism Speaks does, while they may not directly say it, they support murder and abortions of Autistic babies.

I acknowledge that you and many other Curaqi (I'm calling you all Curaqis until you stop using the term Neurodiverse) Organizations are against murder and abortions, and I recognize that the abortion and murder supporters are on the fringe of the Curaqi faction. So don't say that it is a universal belief in the anti-cure side that we think pro-cure is pro-murder. We think pro-cure is wrong and needs to stop and that some groups are pro-murder, but YOU'RE the one who is making generalizations about an entire faction, not us.

Quote, the Autie "Nevermore."

Larry Arnold PhD FRSA said...

The gratuitous racism is unnecessary here. The womans ethnicity has nothing whatever to do with it.

I do not think she was "crazy" either.

No doubt the law will deal with her.

Sadly in the Uk there has just been a report of a whole family dead, Mother and two children stabbed to death, Father hung himself.

Nothing to do with autism, and who knows what is to blame, but bad things happen.

Socrates said...


This video has a clip of Hillary Clinton and one of the board of Autism Speaks, outlining her plans to rid the world of people like us.

Sarah made the point that calling us an epidemic with apocalyptic visions of the hell that is autism, doesn't help parents cope with their struggles.

Check out this The USA Autism Epidemic.

jonathan said...

Oliver this is nothing new, the neurodiversity hatemongers have been playing the murder card for years. At least ever since Katie McCarron was murdered. It is a bunch of baloney it is sick. There is no intention to find a test to abort autistic fetuses. I wonder what cornball excuse socrates and other ND's would use if there was no legal abortion.

Cure and prevent means to restore to normal health and to prevent someone from being crippled and sick and not being handicapped, not killing them. Socrates should have showed KGaccount's son mutiliating himself or not being able to talk. Or could have shown himself being homeless busking in the streets.
Of course Socrates did not do his homework in making that video or he would realize that Vernon Smith just took a self-administered IQ test and this is what is the basis of Vernon Smith's alleged autism.

QuoteDaAutieNevermore said...

She's a Goddamn Speakeasy, Oliver, and she was there addressing for all the other Speakeasies!

jonathan said...

That should have read self-administered AQ test not IQ test.

DJ TrainRekka said...

You people need to go out and take drugs.

Go to Facebook, Bebo, MySpace, make friends with some babes in ur area, ask if u can come hang - yeh? Then take drugs. yeh? An see what happens.

Anonymous said...

Oliver, I suggest you read this;

"We are dedicated to funding global biomedical research into the causes, prevention, treatments, and cure for autism"


Understand that the only way this can be achieved with a genetic condition is through aborting Autistic foetus's and making sure people like you never have children. In fact they would want you to stay a virgin.

Anonymous said...

Oliver, it doesn't matter what the courts say. Society will intentionally with hold our ability to reproduce by isolating us. They are trying to already, but without proof that Autism is anything other than genetic in origin (that's the key here - Kanner said it was genetic and no one has refuted it yet). So it becomes a civil rights issue for US.

You are confusing treatment with cure when it comes to genetic conditions that supposedly DO have a cure. Reality is, no genetic condition can or should be cured. It's just like changing your eye or skin colour. It can't be done, and the only way to eliminate it, is to stop anyone from being born. Don't think it doesn't happen - it's already happening with Downs Syndrome. We're next, especially if fools like John Best Junior HAP have any say in it!

On a positive note - I respect your decision not to have kids. But don't make a permanent choice just yet. You could still meet a great girl who can support you the way that's needed, and respect you for who you are - an Aspie. It can be done, and has been done. You're not out of your teens yet after all so don't give up when there's more in front of you than behind.

PS - I disagree with the anon about Autism Speaks wanting Oliver to stay a virgin. I don't think they even care either way myself.

QuoteDaAutieNevermore said...

Aside from the fact that people can't be rejected due to descrimination, if societal ignorance remains uncheck and unprevented than sterilization and murder will happen too. Even if the government doesn't mandate it, they can just allow it to happen by civillians.

QuoteDaAutieNevermore said...

Some people need to change and if they don't then it is injustice. That is the sole purpose of governments to protect the citizens from each other. People give up certain rights when living with a government, such as their right to abuse and be unjust to others. Without a government I could walk up to any person and kill him for food, or reject him based on certain aspects of his personality that aren't necessarily negative. But since we live in a civilized society, the government IS supposed to prevent shit like this from happening that you for some reason take unfair abuse and then respond to them "thank you sir may I have another, you won't do this to me once I fit into the exact person that you are."

You don't word it that way, but this viewpoint that you defend and justify is you allowing people to prison-fuck you. Sure you don't talk about it, rape victims rarely do.

Once you're "normal" you say oh, won't be an issue. Because you in your cowardice think it's your Autism that is the problem not those cocksuckers in today's society who victimize you.

You need to listen to this song, because this is a better mentality, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfL3JquwnD4

that and the electric violin in this is so badass.

Anyway the government may never sterilizing or murder, but their job is to prevent civilians from doing it and from preventing us from facing persecution from people within or without of the government.

QuoteDaAutieNevermore said...

Nope, for government to allow people to DESCRIMINATE Autistic which rejecting them is DESCRIMINATION is to allow tyranny to happen amongst the citizens.

The government is allowing society and people who reject autism to prison rape you in a metaphorical sense. That is why I said prison rape because in a metaphoric sense that is what you are a victim of. You don't blame the people who victimized you, you blame yourself, like all rape victims.

It would create an authoritarian society, it would create a healthy, better and less stupid society. As Bill Maher said "I don't want most Americans to be stupid when I say that most of us are. But they are stupid and I can't help that" And it's because of Republican shits like you who don't even remember the purpose of government. The purpose of government is that I don't wrong you and you don't wrong me. And that when two people's rights are at stake they give the person whom is least encroaching upon the other and tell the aggressor to fucking deal with it. But you fucks take the easy way out and let the corporations and the powerful ignorant to victimise everybody and outcast people who make things difficult for them. Because it isn't "as hard," as doing the right thing that is more beneficial in the long run.

That attitude probably isn't helping the chances you have in bed, because anything you do that involves doing it the way that is less challenging and less time consuming women will think that your sex is the same way.

Stop being a damn coward, and take a stand. Be a man. "I don't need your understanding, I don't need to change a damn thing."

Try phrases like that on for size, Brother!!!

QuoteDaAutieNevermore said...

And it isn't totalitarian behavior to prevent injustice it's the government doing it's GODDAMN JOB something we've forgotten about when Bush was president.

Anonymous said...

Rejection by society is legal and is simply a fact of life.

Rubbish! It's a civil rights abuse. We're all human beings, Oliver, and we deserved to be treated like human beings. Accepting that as "a fact of life" is a cowardly move that not only can cost lives - it already has cost lives through suicide. And assisted suicide at that, which IS illegal.

Societal isolation IS the same as sterilisation, because it stops us from contacting members of the opposite sex and therefore stops us from re-producing. The rest of the world MUST change - because we can't and should not be expected to. It's no different to expecting a black man to get his skin bleached in order to be accepted, and that used to happen to blacks! Not any more thanks goodness (even though a minority still think that and the sooner they are finally gagged the better).

No, I do not oppose stem cell research. And as a general rule I do oppose abortion - although there are two circumstances where I would make an exception. The first is a neccessary one to save the life of the mother. The second is a pregnancy that results from a rape.

Anonymous said...

Michael Jackson bleached his skin to cover his vitiligo. He had to bleach it white because it covered the blotches caused by the condition perfectly. It had nothing to do with a core desire to change his skin colour just because it wasn't white.

Incest counts as well. Thank you for reminding me of that one. The Megan Meier case is just one example of several incidentally.

But you're talking like "as long as it's legal, we shouldn't fight it". Rubbish. It's morally wrong, and it should be illegal. Social isolation is a cruel and inhuman punishment. It's no different to slavery in a way.

The world IS going to change. It WILL accept people like you and me as well as Andrew and yes even Mitchell. Ari's leading the charge in the US, and I'm trying to lead it in Australia. I'm sure there's one in the UK as well.

We will (with apologies to Gene Roddenbury) live long and prosper. As we deserve to as who we are. We should not be ashamed of ourselves just because we have a genetic condition that makes us different. You talk like we should be. Sorry, but we aren't Elephant Men.

Socrates said...

I've risen from the Grave, and leading the UK's Autistics Martyrs Brigade, under the direction and paternal guidance of our Overlord, "Munroe".

QuoteDaAutieNevermore said...

Pussies conform, Oliver. Conformists never get laid, and if they do it is really bad poon. Because conformists can only get other conformists to put out, and it may be sex but with two lame people it isn't worth it.

Anonymous said...

I have a desire to conform to societal norms, which I feel I can't do without a cure.

Conforming to societal norms is the act of a coward, Oliver. I'm sorry to be so blunt, but that is a fact. You have the right to be yourself, and no one can take that away from you. As long as you try to conform, you are in fact being hypocritical because that shows shame in your Autistic status - not pride. If you weren't ashamed, you wouldn't be trying to conform with something that you can't cope with. The way to cope best is to be yourself. Do anything else and it will end up killing you.

Anonymous said...

No you wouldn't. You'd be someone else. You are different and you can't change that fact. The ONLY way you can be yourself is to be an Aspie.

QuoteDaAutieNevermore said...

Yes but unfortunately we do not live in an ideal world. You are an Aspie and at this point (and at any point) you will remain an Aspie because there is no cure. So you have to be pragmatic and adapt and stop acting like you can't do it, I have Autism you have Autism, there is no difference except have balls and you are chicken shit.

Either deal with and adapt with being an Aspie, or hope for the rest of your life to find the Skywisard.

QuoteDaAutieNevermore said...

Well there is no cure, so grow a pair, and go to plan b. Which is adapting to life as an Aspie, you coward.

Socrates said...

Oliver, thank you for avoiding the A..ie word.

If you need a silly name for someone with Asperger's Syndrome then Aspergian is far better than A..ie.

I've just had a nasty attack of haemorrhoids, does that make me a Haemerrrhoidian?

I can see some merit in calling myself Autistic - as a cognitive (and in my case, pathological) phenotype - but to name myself after a disease in the DSM? Not for me.

I think it's worse than N..... - at least that derives from the Latin for black - not the name of a dead doctor's disease...

QuoteDaAutieNevermore said...

I am a Spectrumite. And if there's a cure for Autism then go get it and shut the fuck up, otherwised you're just a snot-faced fuckwad, a theory I should never have tried to dismiss as factual.

Socrates said...

Not wanting to be cured of this:

299.80 Asperger's Disorder

Diagnostic Features:

The essential features of Asperger’s Disorder are severe and sustained impairment in social interaction (Criterion A) and the development of restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, and activities (Criterion B). The disturbance must cause clinically significant impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning (Criterion C).

Seems like not wanting to be cured of the Clap.

I'm quite happy to accept some and intermittent impairment and perhaps bit of clinically insignificant, but this too scared to leave the house, not recognizing friends and families, mutism, anxiety, unwanted Perseverations can fuck right off. And to be on the safe-side, fuck off a little bit more.

Then I will happily and proudly call myself Autistic.

Anonymous said...

Phil, I don't feel comfortable having Asperger's syndrome. It makes me depressed inside.

That's because you don't accept it, and that's a mistake because there is no cure. There never has been and there never will be and that is a fact. The sooner you adjust the better, otherwise you'll end up just like Mitchell. Get your heavy metal levels checked - and when you find out they are normal you'll see that I'm right.

Anonymous said...

No, you remain an Aspie (shut up about that, Socrates). It does not mean you were misdiagnosed. It means that you have the ultimate proof that Autism is NOT mercury poisoning.

You can't "accept a disorder" and "desire a cure" at the same time. That's an appalling contradiction!

Anonymous said...

No he doesn't accept his Aspieness. He wouldn't be writing the junk that he does if he did.

QuoteDaAutieNevermore said...

You're a lost cause, Oliver.

Socrates said...

Cripes, you just need a shag, Ollie.

I think you're going to have to come hang with me on Facebook - I'll introduce you to all the Spanish girls I know - Don't worry Google Translate and your tousled locks will have them queuing up - albeit mostly on the other side of the world...

Some of them are in the US though - if you look half way presentable and explain you need your burden eased - I'm sure they'd considered visiting.

I'll friend you on Facebook in Spanish: Tome sus pantalones, y lavar su pene. Las chicas estarán aquí pronto

QuoteDaAutieNevermore said...

Yes the world needs more dumbshits who run around with the username after the Father Of Western Though, just so people will think for five seconds he's intelligent until the point they read the dumb shit he has to say.

Anonymous said...

In his first Age of Autism article, he specifically states that he accepts his diagnosis. He just doesn't accept neurodiversity.

He lied about the first bit. The fact that he doesn't accept the second proves it.

Anonymous said...

He's scared of me, that's why. I tell the truth and he doesn't want to know me. He won't respond. He's a coward as well, and it's why he was one the first recipients of an HAA award.

Anonymous said...

He never even gave me a chance to speak to him. That's a coward.

Anonymous said...

That's because he is living a lie. Medical fact backs me up, and that is what he is afraid of. He's neurodiverse whether he likes it or not. So are you. So is everyone.

QuoteDaAutieNevermore said...

He IS entitled to live a lie nobody's denying that, just like everybody who lives within reality has a right to knock him for it.

Anonymous said...

He is NOT entitled to a belief that harms his own future, college or no college. This belief also holds up the real understanding of the condition, and stymies the education process.

That's why he must be fought, for the sake of everyone in the Autistic community.

Anonymous said...

He won't be right. Ever.

Socrates said...

Oliver, please come over to my place.

But please engage your critical faculties before reading. The sub-texts have sub-texts.

Anonymous said...

The evidence (the REAL evidence) is against him, Oliver. It's actually partly why I'll beat Best in court. Remember that.