Friday, January 14, 2011

Meeting Jonathan Mitchell

I had never met a fellow autistic blogger on either side of the issue until I met Jonathan Mitchell in person. I took the bus to Winchell's Donut House on Sepulveda and Santa Monica, which is very far from my house. I'd tried to due this in the past, but had failed due to a miscommunication. Anyway, this time I actually did meet Jonathan Mitchell, and I was thrilled to meet a curebie as opposed to an ND. Everything went as planned, and it was confirmed that I do actually believe in a cure and am not a poser or a hypocrite. Jonathan confirmed the same, although I had no prior doubts. He wanted me to join him at the chicken joint for dinner but I had to catch the bus home because I live very far away. Some NDs will call Jonathan Mitchell a human rights abuser, but he is not that at all and neither am I. He is simply a man with a disease called autism and he wants it cured. It would be no different if he wanted to cure cancer or AIDS. Everyone has the right to cure their autism, because the reality is that autism is a horrendous disease and needs to be cured like all horrendous diseases. To portray it as a different way of beng or a civil rights issue is not only dishonest but harmful, as it trivializes what autism really is. Some NDs, such as Clay Adams and Phil Gluyas, believe that Jonathan's autism was caused by the refrigerator mom theory, which hearkens to the days of Bruno Bettelheim. That is a despicable way to try to discredit autism, especially with a theory that has been scientifically disproven. It was actually Jonathan's writings, along with those of Jake Crosby, which turned me from ND to pro-cure nearly overnight. I will never join neurodiversity again, because theye are evil people who are owned by Big Pharma. Ari Ne'eman invented neurodiversity in 2006, and they seek to ban curing autism. We must stop that for the greater good. I'll do another post later. It was nice finally meeting you, Jonathan! Good-bye for now.


Phil/Timelord said...

Canby, I never called Mitchell's mother a Refridgerator Mother. He's lying to you - as usual. I called her a hater and a coward for not fighting those who called her a bad parent when her son was first DXed in the 50's. She was NOT a bad parent at that point. She became one however by trying to cure her son. In other words she believed those who called her a bad parent and lived up to it.

She was never ice cold to my knowledge. There is a distinct difference between ice hold and hateful.

Asperger said...


My mother would love to cure/recover me.

She has a website-blog now.

I dare you to tell her not to treat me medically so that I don't end up like Mitchell on Social Security.

- Katie K.

jonathan said...

I am trying to get on SSDI and have been for more than 3 years and it takes forever due to lengthy appeals. This was only after numerous problems in the job market and multiple firings. I have put more than $40,000 into social security system from the various jobs I have had, due to being disabled I am just trying to get back the money I feel I deserve. If there was a way I could work I would do it. How much have you put into the SS system, Katie my dear?

I don't know how much you have put into it but I know I have put in $40,000 more than Ari Ne'eman has.

Jake Crosby said...

Glad you both finally got to meet!

jonathan said...

Yes, nice to have finally met you in person too, Oliver.

Asperger's IS TREATABLE said...


"He is simply a man with a disease called autism and he wants it cured."

There is no cure. There are biomedical treatments and a medical clinical study using Trans-cranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS). Has Jonathan looked into biomedical treatments, or is he just asking for pity? I don't give out pity (unless you're homeless).

Has Jonathan ever looked into Talk About Curing Autism (TACA), an organization devoted to the treatment and recovery of persons with ASD?

Blogging about all your struggles and not doing anything about it is synonymous with asking for pity.

"Everyone has the right to cure their autism, because the reality is that autism is a horrendous disease and needs to be cured like all horrendous diseases."

Everyone has the right to decide for themselves what treatment options they will pursue for their condition. No one, regardless of his or her opinions, has the right to pressure or demand that someone pursue a treatment option. Everyone has the right to self-advocate to the best of their ability and-or have someone assist them with it.

- Katie K.

NO Pity said...


"Just because a cure doesn't currently exist doesn't mean that it's undesirable."

Read the following sentence, carefully. As of TODAY, a cure is UNATTAINABLE. It simply doesn't exist.

"Some of the biomed treatments (GF/CF, chelation, etc.) Jonathan believes are ineffective."

The autism world does not revolve around Jonathan.

"I don't know his view on TMS, but that seems more medical than alternative so perhaps it might intrigue him more than the others."

TMS is an experimental treatment that is being tested for effectiveness with Asperger's and now even low-functioning autism.

"I recently contacted a doctor in my area about neurofeedback (which seems similar to TMS) so that is also a possibility."

Good job, Oliver. I'm proud of you for taking a step to improve your health.

"I am aware that he now boycotts both Autism Speaks and the Autism Society of America due to their involvement with neurodiversity."

I have Aspergers, and I CAN speak for MYSELF. NO Autism Speaks, Katie speaks.

"The doctor I recently contatced is affiliated with the Drake Institute, which has developed a revolutionary cure/treatment for Asperger's syndrome in the form of neurofeedback."

Neuro-feedback is NOT a cure. It is a treatment that successfully (by the account of many parents) treats the many symptoms of autism and related disorders.

- Katie K.

jonathan said...

No, I am not asking for pity. I inquired about TMS at UCLA actually and being a part of an experimental treatment or research study on it if they have something like that. Not sure about neurofeedback, though it seems interesting. Of course it does not come cheap and I may not have the means to pay for it.

I really don't believe that any of the so-called biomedical treatments are effective.

jonathan said...

Oh, yes and I have been to a TACA meeting or two when they had speakers I was interested in, one of them being my acquaintence Christina Adams, author of the memoir a real boy, dealing with her son. She mentions me in her book. However, though TACA can talk about curing autism, I don't think they can cure it or really do anything about it.

Phil/Timelord said...

Katie, your mother will be treating you for your anxiety disorder without a doubt - not your Aspergers. So I have no issue with that at all. I believe there are some biomed treatments for anxiety that are quite effective.

PS - I've already beaten Best. It's just a matter of ratification. I can easily prove that Best is a liar about Autism and a child neglector to boot. And that he is completely off his rocker. He thinks the court will laugh at me. When I'm done, they'll be laughing at him and have no hesitation in ordering the content be removed from access by Australians. And the only way to achieve that is to delete it altogether.

That's all.

Go to her site said...


Why don't you go over to her site and leave her a message? Why are you telling me? Are you afraid of people who are pro-cure?

- Katie K.

Phil/Timelord said...

I saw it, Canby, you idiot! There are NO blog entries to reply to! All there are are links. Let's see her views. Katie, yes - pro cure people do scare me. They are murderers and seek to murder people like you and me. Pure and simple. Your mother is not pro-cure. Canby supports our murder, and his own (he has promised to commit suicide in 12 months if he doesn't get a cure).

I have a case against Best. I have been defamed and lied about and in a damaging way - and I can prove it easily. I can also register the order in the US, and it will be enforced.

Anxiety conditions have biomedical treatments. Canby, you are a liar and you need to shut your mouth - now. You have no idea.

Phil/Timelord said...

PS - Forgot to say that I can't use the guestbook at Shutterfly because you have to join Shutterfly to do it, and when I tried I had to reboot my computer because it jammed it up.

Pro-cure here said...


You could always message her on Facebook if you wanted to know that she is pro-cure. You could just ask her.

- Katie

Phil/Timelord said...

Facebook is for friends only - not for anonymous contact. There is NO evidence that Liliya is pro cure, and don't forget that Katie is NOT pro cure so if Liliya was, she's be scared out of her wits of her mother. But she's not!

Canby, you just slandered me. I brutalised no one. Not in 1990 and not EVER! Withdraw that - NOW! Best lied and it's why he'll lose. WHEN I win, I will also register the order in California and make you withdraw the accusation directly.

I don't need to be in court in New Hampshire. And Karen McCarron WAS a curebie, and she's not the only one! You are still a liar and refuse to admit it. I can prove that I am telling the truth about everything I have said, including biomed for anxiety.

Phil/Timelord said...

1. Katie Kagan is NOT pro cure and you're defaming her by saying that. As long as I've known her (and that's longer than you have) she has always known that a cure is not possible.
2. Karen McCarron WAS a curebie. She knew the only way to cure her daughter was to kill her. She was found guilty of murder. There are many similar instances of this. Nick Dubin however is yet to be found guilty of paedophilia.
3. You (and Best) are NOT telling the truth about what happened in 1990 AND I can prove it. You WILL withdraw that defamatory statement.
4. As long as someone is representing me - I can register the order in the US without actually being there. I already have someone waiting for me to provide the order in New Hampshire.
5. Look up The Hague Convention if you think the US won't recognise Australian law - and that includes a guilty verdict of defamation overriding the First Amendment.
6. You have no idea how to run a Facebook account correctly and safely.
7. There is no cure for Autism - full stop. You have no idea what biomed entails so you can't say for certain that biomed can't touch anxiety. If drugs can touch it, so can biomed.

Asperger's IS TREATABLE said...

Phil Gluyas,

"Katie Kagan is NOT pro cure and you're defaming her by saying that. As long as I've known her (and that's longer than you have) she has always known that a cure is not possible."

Please provide evidence of where I said that a cure is not possible. (I don't remember saying that a cure for ASD is not possible.)

"There is no cure for Autism - full stop."

Yes, CURRENTLY there is NO cure for autism, but I don't believe that autism is mostly genetic.

- Katie K.

I do NOT hate my disabilities said...


"...but she supports research into a cure and she hates autism because it is a terrible disease."

I do not think that ASD is a disease. I do not like that term (but that is just semantics).

Yes, I do support research into treatments and hopefully a cure (whether it will remove all ASD traits or not). IMO, NO ONE deserves to live with the medical, social, and intellectual challenges that ASD presents. Autism is a neurological, biological, and MEDICAL spectrum disorder. Autism is NOT a mental disorder or mental illness. The effects of autism cause MEDICAL issues and make people sick (no, not literally like the flu). Symptoms like anxiety, headaches, lack of energy (some of mine), and other MEDICAL symptoms affect a person with ASD's health and learning ability.

At NO time have I stated that I hate autism. I do NOT hate my disabilities.(I do NOT love them, either.) I embrace the challenges that Asperger's has presented me, and I try (well, the health issues get in the way) to manage/cope/compensate for them. I celebrate my talents (NOT the AS) that I have. I generally try to keep a POSITIVE attitude.

"Biomed is for autism only, not anxiety disorder. I know a lot about it from reading Age of Autism."

NO, biomedical treatment is for ASD, ADHD/ADD, learning disabilities, anxiety disorder, OCD, Depression (and Bipolar), and other developmental disabilities and mental illnesses.

- Katie K.

Katie said...


What is "powned?"

- Katie K.

Katie said...

Oliver, Phil, other readers,

I am very much in favor of using science to make the lives of autistic people as full and satisfying as they can be. Call that treatment, recovery, or a cure. I don't care.

I am opposed to programs that lead to development of genetic tests for the purpose of abortion.

I think the causes and cures for autistic disability are going to be complex and hard to find. If there were easy answers, we’d have them already.

I believe the scope of autism therapy and treatment covered by health insurance should be dramatically expanded.

- Katie K.

Phil/Timelord said...

Katie, you made the statement about being against a cure and it not being possible on the Autism Speaks Social Network back in ealy 2009. There is no cure - not currently and not ever. It would be like curing black skin. It is literally impossible. And never call it a disease - don't even give room for semantics because it is not semantics. Autism is not a disease - full stop.

The more you support Best's lies, the more out of touch with reality you are. I have plenty of evidence to prove that I brutalised NO ONE! Not in 1990 and not EVER. And you are proving damage. I am NOT a famous person (except in Best's fantasy world). You are spreading the damage being caused by Best to my name and that helps my case against him. Thank you.

I can also prove that what I have said about Best is verifiable fact. And because he won't get involved he is in no position to correct it. I can easily prove that he is lying about Autism, and I can easily prove that he is neglecting - and has badly neglected - his son.

I'm doing a count on exhibits today. It's likely that I'll get up to 52. How many exhibits is Best providing to prove his commentary? Zero. I'm in the clear advantage

The person who will likely end up in jail (if he's true to form once I get the order and register it in New Hampshire) will be Best - for Contempt of Court.

Finally, if you hate Autism you hate yourself - and hating yourself is downright dangerous. Stop hating Autism (don't love it - you don't have to). THAT is your true hold back. Letting it dictate your life without adjusting to it is a one way ticket to life as a vegetable - and you'll never lose your virginity that way! Get therapy in order to get help to adjust to it. It's no different to learning how the focus your hearing when you are blind. You don't really understand the Autistic Spectrum and it's long past time that you did. Your parents do and you should be listening to them - not Best, Mitchell, Age of Autism etc etc because they have no idea. Katie has some useful information but you won't listen to even listen to her when she gets it right!

NO Pity said...


"... realizes that autism is a horrendous disease that needs to be cured."

Again, I NEVER said that. I have said that I'm pro-cure; you IMPLIED the rest.

"Autism is most definitely a disease, and calling it anything less trivializes the true pain that it causes me."

Autism is a SPECTRUM disorder and is NOT about you.

"Autism is just a disease that holds me back, so of course I hate it."

Asperger's is a serious neuro-biological disorder that has devastating effects. It can hold you back if you LET it. An attitude of "hate" and "pity" will not lead to success.

"I've already been in therapy for 2 weeks."

I have been in individual and group (social skills training)therapy for years, and the progress is slow, but I try to be happy when I learn a new skill (and many times forget it).

"It hasn't worked and never will."

Negative attitude.

"Katie is right on everything, and I do listen to her."

Thanks for the compliment, but I, like any human being, make mistakes. You should not listen to every word I (or anyone) says. You should read it, and try to adapt it to your lifestyle. I'm not just saying that; I struggle significantly with applying what I read to real life events or even just drawing inferences and conclusions, but I NEVER give up.

- Katie K.

NEVER give up said...


"I try to keep a positive attitude, but also a realistic one at that."

False. Negative statements do not reflect a positive attitude.

"The reality is that autism limits me in many ways of which the only way around is a cure."

Yes, I agree that Asperger's presents serious and significant challenges to the person who has it. Your attitude limits you in many ways, and the only way around that is more therapy, positive self-talk, and positive affirmations.

- Katie

Phil/Timelord said...

I will win. By default. Sheer weight of evidence will do the trick. It is the both of you who lack the logic you claim I lack. You are so illogical you can't even see it. Katie's right, Canby - your attitude is your hold back, not your Autism.

And by your logic, Canby, everyone who's name is on the internet is a public figure!! *rolls eyes* Honestly - GO BACK TO SCHOOL!!!!


I do NOT do pity said...


"...I realize that because I'm autistic I can never amount to anything, and that is a fact."

Every word in the above quote is FALSE.

One of my favorite videos: Watch it.

"Obstacles are what you see when yo take your eyes off the goal. Believe in yourself, work hard, and never give up."

"...and college is not for me either because autistic people cannot go to college. College is for normal people only."

That's dishonest and OFFENSIVE to EVERY person with ASD or any other disability.

I don't give IQ tests and scores a lot of credit or value. I'm guessing (haven't had it tested in a long time) that my official IQ is in the 80's or 90's. That number doesn't say much about me.

- Katie K.

NEVER give up said...


"Katie, I wouldn't say these things if they weren't true. I wish they weren't, but frankly they are, and it's best to tell it how it is."

None of the things that you mentioned are true. Your attitude, beliefs, and Asperger's Syndrome (so does mine) prevent you from moving forward.

"What I said about college isn't dishonest at all; it's true. If it wasn't, I'd be in college right now like every normal person my age."

Saying a person with ASD (or any disability) can't go to college is not only inaccurate, but also extremely offensive.

Have you visited the community college(s) in your area?
Have you talked to the disability support service staff about accommodations?

After my "shrink" appointment, I'm going to my college tomorrow to buy my Human Biology textbook, and I will stop in the disability service center to get my accommodation sheet. I may (or may not) give it to my professor. I want to have it with me, anyway.

After that, I plan to go to work (the office) for a few hours. One of my supervisor's said she wants to teach me a new skill. *Smiles*
(I've been off at my store job for three Fridays now. I HATE it, so that's awesome.)

What is your plan for tomorrow?

"I recall you once saying your IQ was 93. The average IQ is 90-109, so you are not mentally retarded or intellectually disabled."

To reiterate, I don't take IQ tests seriously.

- Katie K.

jonathan said...

do not believe that I should be censored simply because I disagree with the majority.

You are not in the minority, you are in the majority. It is only a small insigifnicant minority who embraces neurodiversity and preaches the "We don't need no stinkin' cure" mantra.

The ND's just dishonestly make their numbers look bigger by inventing sock puppets and false identities on the internet the way Meg Evans did.