Thursday, October 25, 2012

Parenthood Goes ND

On this week's episode of Parenthood, the character Max got up in front of his entire student body and told them all that he had Asperger's disease and that he didn't want to be cured. They responded by electing him student council president. This storyline is incorrect and hurtful, as there is no way on earth that something like that could happen in real life. If an autistic person was watching that show, they might falsely believe that one could really do that, and they would suffer as a result. I remember the days when Sarah would go apeshit on her blog because Parenthood happened to do an episode that supported Autism Speaks. Never mind that Autism Speaks doesn't really want to cure autism, but all NDs called for a boycott of that show simply for wanting to cure autism. Apparently it worked, because they wrote a stupid ND storyline in on Tuesday night. I hope Jason Katims and all the executive staff at Parenthood realize that promoting autism as merely a difference is harmful as it trivializes the issues autistic people face. Neurodiversity is pure evil, and we can't have another lamestream media outlet fall for their deceptive tricks.

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