Friday, July 1, 2011

Selective Mutism: A Disease Within Itself

Recently, Catatab Tabimount did a post on her blog that was so utterly absurd that it made me wonder if she'd even read the very article that she linked to. Basically, Catatab Tabimount used her usual neurodiverse bullshit, but to an amazingly stupid degree. She completely ignores that the DSM considers selective mutism to be a mental disorder, and she says it shouldn't be called a disease becase it's stigmatizing. Nevermind what psychiatrists say. You know, doctors actually trained in mental health. She also makes two ridiculous speculations: one that the child experienced a trauma (way to blame the parents a la Bruno Bettelheim) and suggests that the child may be an "undiagnosed Aspie." That is particularly absurd, as people with Asperger's syndrome never have a speech delay at all. She is confusing it with autism, as if the two diseases are one and the same. This is what neurodiversity wants you to think, as they have successfully lobbied the APA to change the DSM beginning in 2013. Of course that's bullshit (like everything they say), as two related diseases are not automatically the same. Cancer and AIDS are not the same disease simply because you die from them both. The actual article seemed quite neurodiverse, but of course Catatab Tabimount didn't know that because she didn't even read it. If she had, maybe she could've seen that selective mutism is an actual disease.

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