Thursday, March 11, 2010

What A Shitload of Insanity

Well, I though the insane bullshit couldn't get any worse, but it did. Andrew and Phil are still in horrible denial, which they will regret when they are sued and forced to cough up millions. They are nutjobs from neurodiversity who will get nowhere in life. There is Shut The Fuck Up (whose name I'd rather not abbreviate), who claims to be a black man in Oregon on the dole. Yeah, as if there even were any black people in Oregon. He hasn't even said that he's autistic, which means that he's not and he goes to the bar and drinks beer until 4 a.m., which is legal in Oregon, because they're commy, tree-hugging whackjobs just like neurodiversity. I happen to live in his circuit, which I have personal ties to and should I sue him I would win outright. He probably spends all his welfare money on beer, but they don't care in Oregon because they take away all your hard-earned income there and give it to neurodiverse nutjobs like STFU. Also, somebody named Tommy challenged my definition of neurodiversity. After I politely told him he was wrong, he got into a hissy fit with me and called me a psycho, so he deserved a telling off. However, the bad is not without its good. Katie K has been behind me this entire time, even taking in abuse from STFU. She also masqueraded as John Best in order to scare away Phil and Andrew (which unfortunately didn't work), but it got the real John Best mad, so it didn't last too long. John Best himself has also been defending me as much as he can without digging himself a deeper hole in Phil's frivolous lawsuit. Also, Andrew disavowed any ties to the Informer, so maybe I'll investigate into him a little more. There is the good, the bad, but there is also the goombah as well. I received some goombah comments today, such as one from Alan L which gave me the benefit of the doubt as to my identity, but also said that I should change my blogging style in order to avoid parroting John Best. I partially agree with this, however, this is truly me and I do not feel like changing my style to act as a coward to neurodiversity. Another goombah comment was anonymous, but it criticized my ties to the 9th Circuit. I explained that that's how it works in this country, and gave Wakefield's show trial over in England as an example. I had other comments too, both anonymous, one the same one criticizing my stance on non-public schools; it was civil but wrong. Another one simply told me that I was John Best, which is wrong and utterly dim-witted as well. It also told John he needed a straight jacket, which shows you how much intelligence said person has. Anyway, after the good, the bad, and the goombah, this blog is awesome, and it ain't goin' away. God bless you all, and may the lord bestow sanity upon this earth!


Anonymous said...

Silly question, Oliver, but you live in southern California. How the hell can you be on a court circuit that includes Oregon? I don't get that.

Have you looked in on my blog? You'll love it and you'll see that Unquote and Glucose aren't the only whack jobs about.

Unknown said...

The Informer,

The name that is used to post does not link to a blog.


Katie K.

Unknown said...


Here are some questions and answers from a survery I took on Facebook.


A: Yes, I accept my Autism. I neither love nor do I hate Autism. I embrace being Autistic.


A: I have never been asked. If I was asked, I would say, "Autism is a neurological disorder or disability with medical manifestations. Many individuals on the Autism Spectrum have co-morbid mental health disorders. Autism includes BOTH positive and negative traits. If you have met ONE person with autism, you have met ONLY one person with autism. No one knows for sure what causes autism (speculations have been made), and there is NO cure yet. Parents and some adults with autism (includes Asperger's) remain hopeful.


Katie K.

Unknown said...

Timenut and QDAN,

Oliver is on PHONEBOOK. LOOK it up (if you know how). Timenut claims to have a 200 IQ. Use it, but don't abuse it.

If you still think Oliver and John Best are the same person, you certainly do NOT have a 200 IQ. The PROOF is on PHONEBOOK. Oh wait, am I talking to monkeys?


Katie K.

Unknown said...


The following are two places where I can be found on the Internet.

Phil Gluyas nominates people for "ASD Awards." I have been nominated for "HAA." ("HAA" stands for Horrible Autistic Adult.) What an honour - I'm a horrible adult because I don't agree with Phil's insane viewpoints.

Two of my poems are up on the "autism epicenter" website.

They are "Painful Autism" and "We are Human."


Katie K.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AutisticAdultSupportsTreatment said...


I'm NOT an "Aspie." I have Asperger's Syndrome.

Yes, I make social errors. That is a part of Asperger's Syndrome. Yes, I have improved since I stopped using the network.

How would Phil Gluyas, who lives in Australia, know Katie Kagan, who lives in the United States?

Is abusing Oliver M. Canby, an autistic adult with many challenges, "socially correct?"


Katie K.

Anonymous said...

Where is this statement of Phil's?

Anonymous said...

Do you know how to divide it up?

Anonymous said...

What you do is you firstly type up your entire message on another screen. Notepad or Wordpad would be ideal. When you are done, copy and paste as much as you can fit to where you want to send it. That way if you put too much you still have the original. Once you can send it, send the rest in a second message.

Does that help?

STFU said...

There is no "Oliver Canby". This blog belongs to Foreskin John Best. Nobody can prove any different. He can't do a thing about it!

Repeat, repeat!