Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The AGUA Group

Last Saturday, I hitched a ride with my friend/neighbor Jonathan Mitchell to the AGUA group near my house in Westchester. I had never been in a room full of autistic people before so I didn't know what to expect. The results couldn't have been better. Many of these autistic people were quite a bit older than I am (around Jonathan's age) and at varying levels of functioning. And guess what? Not a single one of the supported neurodiversity. This proves what I believed all along: that the members of neurodiversity are not autistic at all, just attention seekers. In the case of one autistic man there, I complimented him on seeming normal, and he understood it to be just that: a compliment. Most members of neurodiversity would take great offense to being called normal, as for whatever reason they'd rather be autistic. Now, imagine if someone told you he'd rather suffer from cancer or AIDS than have a clean bill of health. See where I'm going here? Yeah, I think you do. Anyway, this was my first real life experience with actual autistic people, and it totally proves my point. Stay tuned for a forthcoming post where I call out a certain indie rock musician....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jerry Newport, the founder of AGUA, believes in ND. Do your research better, sunshine!