Saturday, February 16, 2013

Jonathan Mitchell's Parents Came Over To My House

As Jonathan Mitchell is my neighbor now, we decided to do a neighborly thing and invite him and his parents over for a late afternoon tea. As some of you probably know, Neurodiversity still holds dearly to the "refrigerator mom" theory, which is that autism is caused by poor parenting, when we all know now that it is caused by vaccines. Many NDs (and they know who they are) have called out Jonathan's parents specifically to say that they caused his autism. I of course thought that was bullshit, but meeting Jonathan's parents has proven to me that I am right and neurodiversity is wrong. They are incredibly nice people, and they raised a helluva son in Jonathan. Hell, I wish my parents could've raised me like that. It was a pleasure meeting them and I know now that Neurodiversity is full of shit and should not be taken seriously.


Anonymous said...

Got word that Phil Gluyas has been arrested for sexually assaulting a neighbour. A male neighbour. The poor guy's in hospital in shock and Phil got bailed. I don't know how except maybe he got it because the victim's in hospital.

Laura Smith-Harvey said...

Anonymous is there any online evidence of this claim? It is truly horrifying.