Friday, May 11, 2012

If You Hate Autism, You Love Autistic People

Nobody in their right mind would love autism. It is a horrendous disease, and would be akin to loving cancer or AIDS. One of the bullshit lines used by neurodiversity is "If you hate autism, you hate autistic people." In actuality, just the opposite is true. If you try to love somebody's autism, you are doing them a disservice by denying them the cure that they deserve. By hating autism, we can work together to eradicate it from this planet and make everyone live a decent and normal life. The reason neurodiversity wants people to remain autistic is because they are sadistic sociopaths who love watching autistic children rot in mental institutions. Nobody in their right mind would want that for an autistic person, or anyone else for that matter. Autism is and always has been a disease, and loving a disease is purely insane. The fact that neurodiversity has borrowed from the gay rights movement only shows what morons they actually are. Autism is not a minority status, it is not a different way of being, it is a disease. To deny someone a cure for a disease is pure torture. They should pass a law that throws parents in jail who explicitly deny their autistic child a cure because they "don't want to change who their child is." Autism needs to be cured, so if you love your autistic child, you would do the right thing and cure him.

1 comment:

TheRealMattKemp said...

Thank you for trying to cure my brother of his dreadful disease. The world would be a better place without it. I almost died of altitude sickness over in Albuquerque, but I'll be back at Dodger Stadium tonight to kick some Brewer ass!