Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Use of the Word "Retard"

Recently, I was having an argument on Facebook with my good friend Jonathan Mitchell over whether or not it is appropriate to use the word "retard." While Jonathan and I agree on nearly everything (namely a cure), I must say that I disagree with him on this one. Now, don't get me wrong, I do not question Jonathan's integrity as a curebie. I believe that he is genuinely pro-cure, unlike Autism Speaks. Anyway, back to my point. Jonathan's position was the typical ND garbage that the word "retard" is offensive because it belittles autism as a disability. But the fact of the matter is that autism is a disability, and a very severe one at that. It shouldn't be trivialized at all, and ND already does a tremendous job at that. If we use the word "retard," we can accurately portray that autism is a severe disability and that it needs to be cured. One person who I know shares my opinion is John Best. When I was being chewed out on my Facebook wall by some NDs who were offended over my use of the word "retard," John Best immediately came to my aid and I commend him for that. It takes true moral character. What we need to do is ditch the PC and get to the reality of how bad autism is and how it needs to be cured. I believe using the word "retard" can do just that.


Quote Unquotes Bullshit (aka Andrew Ackner) said...

First of all, you belittle Autism far more than the word retard ever has or will.

Second of all, I don't believe the word retard is offensive. If my friend does something stupid, and the group calls me a retard, but then I do something stupid they don't, then I feel excluded. I want to play the same rules as everyone else. Plus, retard is just a word, and if there is one thing I hope to see by the end of my life, it's the death of the idea of Political Correctness by my own hands. So don't tell me that everyone who isn't a dumb Curaqi sonofabitch like yourself is fearful of the word retard.

I don't mind the use of the word retard at all, one because it has nothing to with me, and it hasn't the meaning it once did. The word retard is now a synonym of jackass, so yes it does apply to your disability, and to Mitchell's disability. Because your disability and Mitchell's disability isn't Autism, it's the Jackass Complex.

Quote, The Autie "Nevermore."

Andrew Ackner (aka Andrew Ackner) said...

Will you just kill yourself already?

Andrew Ackner (aka Andrew Ackner) said...

This is like that Christmas episode of Beavis And Butthead, where Butthead's guardian angel tries to show him how much better the world would be if he never existed, but Butthead is selfish after seeing everything and refuses to jump off the bridge to his death.

A better future for all said...

Andrew, I want all of this Political Correctness bullshit to go as well. Banning the word retard is a stupid side issue that means absolutely nothing.

It is the same with person first vs. the disability first. You can call me Person with Aspergers or Aspergers person. I say, who fucking cares?

People can call me whatever they want except late for supper.

Andrew Ackner (aka Andrew Ackner) said...

Just kill yourself.

Andrew Ackner (aka Andrew Ackner) said...

Just kill yourself.

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna give you gas.

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna give you gas.

Anonymous said...

N2O makes you laugh, but its greenhouse effects are not very funny. 300 times more powerful than CO2.

Jesus Christ (aka Andrew Ackner) said...


Anonymous said...

I have the SoCal foam on my side!


OERM Conductor

AmtrashFan said...

Troll lol lol lol lolollolololollolol

Fouled K5LAs with water bottles running along LA

Reality (aka Andrew Ackner) said...

You're the one who needs to suck a dick. It's who you are faguette.

Are You Ready For Some Football (aka Andrew Ackner) said...

How's Mr. Sandusky doing? Have you ever enjoyed a shower as much as the one you took with him ten years ago?

Common Sense (aka Andrew Ackner) said...

Just kill yourself. Nobody will miss you.

Foresam said...

Andrew Ackner has a family history of murdering people so we have to understand that this little twerp was raised to think that murder is acceptable. Ackner is much too stupid to know how to solve any problem so he suggests suicide, a solution he has probably considered for himself. Young maggots like Ackner like to try to bully people who are actually disabled because it makes them feel as though they're better people themselves. Of course, we all know that the Ackners of the world aren't worth crossing the street to piss on.

When did Andrew start letting doctor Dubin bumblast him? Is thaat how he pays his tuition?

Direct Quote (aka Andrew Ackner) said...

Hey brothers, just wanna let you know that pissing out someone's flames doesn't make yours shine brighter. I'm proud and confident for who I am and glad that I have two of the best parents I could ask for.

You guys are a bunch of cowards who think that there's anything you can say that will make me feel one iota less awesome about myself. But it can't because I have pride in my past my present and my future.

So I'll give you the information you two are so hungry for because I am proud that I went to the hospital when I was in Middle School, I needed to go to the hospital when I was in Middle School, I started to become the awesome dude who today is Andrew Ackner because I went to that hospital.

Before I went I never tried to kill myself never thought to, I've always had a sense of pride that would never cause me those thoughts. Nor did I try to kill anybody, I've only ever been violent verbally, never physically. The reason I was in the hospital was because I had this delusional idea that I was a rapper following in the footsteps of Eminem.

You two think I should be embarrassed about it and not be comfortable telling people on public domain about this, but that's because neither of you have any pride in yourselves and like to create this illusion that you have never fucked up in life or had bad ideas, but just remember what you guys are doing is nothing more than an illusion.

I've had many bad ideas, I will have bad ideas in the future, being an adult is realizing that you will fuck up it isn't becoming Mr. Perfect, that's why John Best is a 60 year old child and Canby is a closet homo in his 20s who will never get laid.

I went to the hospital and overcame my delusions and mental shortcomings, which I feel sorry that neither you and Best will likely ever do. You talk all this trash about my bro Nick, the sad thing is that guilty or innocent Dr. Nick will have had a more positive impact on the world than the two of you whiny little bastards ever will combined. And that's the truth in direct quotation. I am Andrew Ackner.

Andrew Ackner (aka Andrew Ackner) said...

Whatever you say Griff Tannen.

I Misquoted There (aka Andrew Ackner) said...

Forgive me, I meant to call you Buford Tannen not Griff Tannen.

Foresam said...

Andrew, Are you proud of waking up my children with your prank phone calls at 3:00AM?
Are you proud of your family for hiring a "hitman" to kill your aunt?

Directly Quoted (aka Andrew Ackner) said...

So now you've been laid 5 times?? You suck at lying even more than the whole Republican Party.

Andrew Ackner (aka Andrew Ackner) said...

I'm proud of who I am. And yeah I am proud of what my family did, my aunt was terminally ill and in excruciating pain. We got a doctor with strong regard for the Hippocratic Oath he took and he allowed her to die with dignity, peace and happiness, but then again those are two words you will never know the meaning of, will you Foresam? That's why there's all this anger and bitterness inside you isn't there, anger and bitterness so foul that you need to bring up family tragedies just to feel better about yourself? Keep my late aunt out of it you sonofabitch this has nothing to do with her, nor does it involve me, your problems are with you because you're the one you are disgusted with.

Isn't that why you're pissed at The World? Is that reason the cause of your hate speech and cruel drivel? I feel sorry for you, pity for you, sad that you feel the need to knock other people. I, on the other hand am capable of being myself and happy to do it. I'm Andrew Ackner.

Andrew Ackner (aka Andrew Ackner) said...

The two of you seriously should just kill yourselves.

Andrew Ackner (aka Andrew Ackner) said...

Why'd you ignore my last comment to much reality to mess up your illusion?

Andrew Ackner (aka Andrew Ackner) said...

Don't either of you got anything to say?

Andrew Ackner (aka Andrew Ackner) said...

Says the whiner who has done nothing with his life and never will, and mooches off of the far-more-than-necessary kindness of his parents. I'm a man, something you and John Best no nothing about between the two of you.

Andrew Ackner (aka Andrew Ackner) said...

Tell me Canby? How am I exactly punching you below the belt, when you don't have anything existing in that region? I'm not punching you below the belt, I'm stating facts. If there was anything positive to say about you, I'd acknowledge, but until you prove otherwise, you are nothing more than a whiny little shmuck who lacks the sack to do something to change that fact. Talk to me when your balls descend Justin Bieber.

Andrew Ackner (aka Andrew Ackner) said...

Where'd you go Foreskin?

Phil/Timelord said...

So you're saying that Autism is no longer bad, Canby? You've adjusted to use that positives it has? If so - that's good. If not, then Andrew has a better life than you.

And you are a dirty fighter. You've hit me below the belt plenty of times with your lies about me - lies that you will pay for once I'm done with Best. That's aside from all the other lies you're telling about Autism and hurting yourself in the process.

Jonathan Davis (aka Andrew Ackner) said...

Looks like you have a bad case of Twisted Transistor Syndrome, Canby. "Hold it between your legs, turn it up, turn it up, the wind is coming through, can't get... enough, a lonely life, where no one understands you, but don't give up because your music do, music do, music do, music do. Because your music do and it is reaching, inside you, forever preaching, fuck you too, your scream's a whisper, hang on you."

Andrew Ackner (aka Andrew Ackner) said...

No thanks, unlike you I have a girlfriend, so I don't need to fuck my hand like you do pretending that there are any men out there who'd even think of touching you.

The Queen Of England (aka Andrew Ackner) said...

You lie, filthy peasant.

The Bear (aka Andrew Ackner said...

You're not a gay guy who can't get laid, and I never shit in the woods.

Andrew Ackner (aka Andrew Ackner) said...

Watch yourself Canby, you're already being sued by Phil Gluyas for 17gs for defamation, I think you'd be wise not to shell out anymore of your father's money by libeling me.

Andrew Ackner (aka Andrew Ackner) said...

Yeah, I think I'm about to call your father, or what you would label as "crank call" and inform him that I am presently looking for a defamation attorney and will sue unless you retract every false statement you have made about me, as well as formally apologize to me for doing so. You have been warned Canby, I will be in touch with your father.

Andrew Ackner (aka Andrew Ackner) said...

P | 310.246.3253
F | 310.860.2453

Thank you google.

Andrew Ackner (aka Andrew Ackner) said...

I will be calling your father. So I suggest you apologize, and delete this blog for good.

Andrew Ackner (aka Andrew Ackner) said...

I've displayed to you Canby that I know your father's number, which I acquire via Google search. So unless you'd like me to call your daddy tomorrow. I highly recommend you apologize to me and delete this blog never to disgrace the blogosphere with its presence.

Scratcher said...

Phil hasn't sent you the writ yet because he's finishing off Beasty Boy first! He's filed! So stop lying about him you flaming dip, and stop giving him even more evidence! Or are you that flaming stupid?

Col. Nathan Jessup (aka Andrew Ackner) said...

Didn't approve our last comments did you you coward?

Anonymous said...

You fart out mushrooms!

Bipedal Moose said...

Change your name to Satan!

Andrew Ackner (aka Andrew Ackner) said...

C'mon faggot, approve our comments.

Joe Mule said...

Okay, you've convinced me, autism is a terrible disease, and people like you shouldn't be allowed to be born, (or even permitted to live), if they're as miserable as you appear to be. You have a horrible birth defect and I hope you never reproduce.

The horror! - The horror!

Andrew Ackner (aka Andrew Ackner) said...

Oliver Canby is a faggot and is going to be sued by Andrew Ackner for a lot of money because of his stupid defamation.