Saturday, April 28, 2012

You Can Die Of Autism

One of the most common bullshit lines espoused by members of neurodiversity is that autism is not a disease because you can't die of it. Therefore, they argue that autism shouldn't be cured. Like pretty much everything that neurodiversity says, that is a lie. Not only does a disease not necessarily have to be fatal, but there have been numerous cases of people dying because of their autism. There was a boy in Canada who froze to death after he wandered away from his home due to his autism. There was another boy in Georgia who got run over by a car because his autism made him run out into traffic. Even medical deaths can be autism-related. Many autistic people suffer from epileptic seizures which can be fatal. That is how John Travolta's son died. Those with Asperger's syndrome are not exempt either. Many of them suffer clinical depression due to their disease and take their own lives. Burt Bacharach's daughter Nikki took her own life due to Asperger's syndrome. What Neurodiversity does is that they say bullshit, like they wish it was true, and then hope that is magically becomes true. We must put an end to that. Autism is a fatal disease, and it must be eradicate from this earth via a cure.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Has Retardation Entered The Mainstream?

The other day, I came across a cheesy flirt line on the website myYearbook which said, "Are your parents retarded? Cause you damn sure are special!" This made me think about a number of things. First it made me think about how pissed off all the NDs would be, but I don't really give a fuck about that. It also made me think of using the word "special" as a euphemism for "retarded," which was initially intended to soften the blow but has now become equally pejorative. But most importantly, it made me realize how mainstream, and frankly accepted, that mental retardation has become. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about autism, which is why we must cure it. Whereas retards are seen as "indigo children," autistics and Aspergians are rightly seen as scum of the earth and not worth anybody's dime, which is why a cure must be found pronto. Even now, when a normal person asks me, "Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you?" I say that I am mentally retarded instead of autistic or Aspergian, because it is more tolerated and normal people are more likely to understand it. On a side note, I'm well aware that the use of the word "special" in the myYearbook message is actually a double entendre, as the flirty use is positive. But this proves not only the normalization of retardation but that the use of "special" to mean "retarded" as so commonplace that people would automatically understand its use in a double entendre. I wrote a previous post about the word "retard" becoming mainstream, but I guess now the same has happened to retardation as a whole.